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  • #337518

    The theme is really beautiful graphically but extremely heavy.
    Looking at my site with PageSpeed ​​Insight it complains about many improvements that could be made in particular regarding css and javascript, also to avoid the rendering block, and suggests to postpone what is possible to postpone.
    Do you have a way to check if there are optimizations of this kind that you are able to do?

    See the report:



    Hi Staipa,

    The performance of your site depends on several aspects, such as hosting quality, caching, CDN, Code Minnifications and other third party settings . Even one or two big size images can drastically vary your score. So, the theme alone is not solely responsible for its speed. You can check theme’s demo and compare its performance with your site to better understand the differences.

    There are various caching plugins and page speed optimization techniques that can help improve your site’s speed. It’s also a good idea to evaluate the performance of your hosting provider.

    Kind Regards,


    True. But with Adonis Catch Themes performance was drastically better

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