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  • #337240
    Glen Pavelich

    As I make posts, and any numbers of them at a time, the last post which on the front end is the topmost post, duplicates the feature image, or if no feature image then it duplicates the post text itself.

    What would be causing this?

    The lastest here:

    is not a good example as there is no image for the latest post

    but it does show duplication of the short post itself.

    If, for example the Newsletter below it was the latest (as it was just prior), then the feature image would be duplicated.

    It started doing this at one point all by itself…. and I have no idea what is causing it.

    Glen Pavelich

    The post is not so short now, but you can see the post is showing where only the feature should be.

    But again, even with no image on the page {in other instances}, with only a feature image set, the feature image will appear twice.


    Hello @Glen Pavelich,

    It seems your duplicate value populated on the recent blog title sub-heading section. On our theme, we don’t have any features to add dynamic content on sub-headings. And with our research, we found out that It came with the site origin plugin that you used for the post.

    You might add some widgets on your post which cause duplication like below image.


    Try to remove those widgets if possible and check again,



    Glen Pavelich

    I don’t see how it is happening.  I use site-origin on all the sites I manage (30 of them) and this isn’t happening anywhere else, on any other Catch Theme…. and I only use Catch Themes.

    Seem I need to avoid using a feature image for the last (top) post made in order for there not to be duplication because it is picking up both the image in the post and the feature image as well.

    So the question may be then, why is the page image showing at all when it is set up to show feature image on the home page.

    As I trial, if I go back to a previous post (not the topmost) and delete the feature image, then save, there is no image at all showing then on the front end for that post.  So it is not picking up the page image once the post drops from being the top one.

    So in essence I now have to remember to put in the feature image for the last one made, each time I add a new top post.

    It’s very strange.



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