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  • #287908


    On the shop page there is no space between the product image and the header. I presume that the cause is (and I have asked that) the minimizing of the gap between content and header on the front page.
    You can see what I mean on the added image.

    I tried many things to solve this issue and read a lot in support forum(s) but I failed.

    Is there a solution for this problem, p.e. that only on frontpage there is a less gap between content and header.

    And then there is another -hopefully last- problem. The magnifying lens in the stoppage.
    Also on attached image you can see that the image takes among half the space that is possible. When I click on the magnifying lens the image becomes bigger.
    Is it possible to hide the magnifying lens so that the image is bigger and the thin line disappears?

    Kind regards

    Hans Hagmeijer.


    Hello When I add a link to an image, the forum said that it is not possible to make the issue.
    You can see that I mean on the page:

    Kind regards

    Hans Hagmeijer.


    @hansh: Hello there,
    To have a gap between the Product image and the Header in the product page.
    Go to => Appearance => Customize => Additional CSS and add the following CSS Code.

    .single-product #content {
        padding-top: 100px;

    You can enable the Zooming effect for the product image
    Go to => Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => WooCommerce Options => Uncheck the option Check to disable Product Gallery Zoom and Publish.

    Let me know if this works out!
    Kind Regards,


    Hello skandha,

    Thank you for answering. The soltution for the gap is perfect.
    I think it looks like there is a little bug in the theme. But I can be wrong.
    When i uncheck the option Check to disable Product Gallery Zoom and publish then the image doesn’t fit in the space.
    Maybe this has something to do with the wrong image size.
    I tried to add an image, but there is a chance that this is not possible in de support forum.
    If i add an url to my google drive the support forum sais, that it is not possible to make the item.
    If i delete the url, it is all possible.
    If this is not possible, please look at:

    Kind regards

    Hans Hagmeijer


    Hello Skandha,

    Last question has been solved.
    Now I think all questions have been solved except the footer issue.

    Kind regards

    Hans Hagmeijer


    @hansh: Hello there,
    Can you let me know which footer issue you are referring to?

    Kind Regards,


    Hello Skandha,

    I donn’t know if that is purely a footer issue. It is more a social menu issue.
    Problem is, that i want to add adress data to the social menu. The only result of many trials is a strange icon in the social menu. I want to get rid of this strange icon.
    And the “to top” icon is over the social menu as you can see on I want to use the catch to top possibility, but there is already a to top icon in purple. How do I get rid of this to top icon (right footer)
    I try to add some images. This is not possible. If i tried to add an url, the supprt forum gives a message that it isn’t possible to make the message.

    Kind regards

    Hans hagmeijer


    @hansh: Hello there,
    To remove the purple to top icon
    Go to => Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Scroll Options => Check the option Disable Scroll Up and Publish.

    Can you please add the address to the footer social menu so that I can look into the issue?

    Kind Regards,


    Hello Skandha,

    Thank you. Done.

    Kind regards

    Hans Hagmeijer.


    @hansh: Hello there,
    It looks like it is not possible to have the location icon with the address link in the footer social menu. You will need to use an alternative method. Maybe you can use the Header Top option for Address.

    Kind Regards,


    Hello Skandha,

    You can’t have it all. Maybe it is a funcation that can be build in the future.
    Nevertheless, it is a beautiful theme.

    Kind regards

    Hans Hagmeijer.

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