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  • #270997
    [email protected]

    Hello all,
    I am using the Clean Portfolio theme, and am really liking it, however some of the essential content types are not neccesary for my use and I wondered if I could change the url/permalink. For instance I don’t need testimonials, however I would love to maybe have something about CAD projects I am working on there. So currently the url is mywebsite/testimonials/post and I would love to change it to mywebsite/cad/post while maintaining the features of posting on the homepage etc. I know I can simply make a new page however, I cannot display multiple posts off of that new page easily. if i go to mywebsite/portfolio it shows all of my posts under portfolio and mywebsite/cad wouldn’t do that, it would only show 1 post.
    I hope that makes sense! Please feel free to ask questions!
    Jacob 🙂


    @childjacob2gmail-com: Hello Jacob,
    Can you please post in your site URL so that I can look into the issue?

    Kind Regards,

    [email protected]

    [email protected]

    @Skandha I figured out a better way to phrase my question, is there a way I can change one of the essential content types? For instance, I don’t use testimonials, so could I add my own content type or change the testimonials content type to something else? I would love the ability to still display on the homepage etc, but instead of showcasing testimonials it could be CAD projects, and the page would read rather than Does that make sense? I am not sure going to my page will help as not much is actually published yet…


    @childjacob2gmail-com: Hello Jacob,
    You can change that only if you are using the pro version of the plugin. Can you please let me know if you are using the free or pro version of the plugin?

    Kind Regards,

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