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  • #25340

    Hi, I use catch evolution theme, and I would like to set a random image as header background.

    The site is there :

    I have uploaded three images to test but I’m unable to make it appear as a background of the site title and tagline and header right sidebar, and I’m also unable to make it random.

    Thank you in advance for your help !



    @mebiotti: When I check in our server it is working fine. Check your setting at “Appearance => Header”. Check “Uploaded Images” settings, you have to click on “Random: Show a different image on each page.” and then “Save Changes”


    Hi, thanks for your quick answer!

    However, random image option doesn’t appear in my dashboard, strange…

    Also, I unfortunately doesn’t have the answer to my main question, which is:

    How do I set up this header random image as background of the header (with the title/tagline/headre right on it instead on the title/tagline/headre right sidebar above it). Do you seewhat I’m intending to do?

    Thanks for your great theme and support anyway.


    Ok, just got the random thing working… maybe it needed a clear cache…

    So i’m just stuck with the background problem, thanks for your help on this!


    @mebiotti: Oh the background option is not there in this theme. You might need to hire customizer to add this for you.

    Also the custom css that you have added in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box is having issue with the responsive design. Also you have added so many CSS. I don’t know why. You are supposed to add only css that you need. So, either you need to disable responsive design or you cannot add custom width like the following css

    .no-sidebar #primary {
    width: 1200px;
    /* No Sidebar One Column */ .site {
    	width: 1200px;

    So, please fix this first.


    OK, so this is a big problem because I need this width AND the responsive design. I guess I’l have to check with other themes then.

    Thank you for your time and your great support.


    @mebiotti: I said that the custom css that you have added is conflicting with Responsive design. If you remove those then it will work fine. Then I will be able to send you the css to make the header background.

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