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  • #24395

    Hi Sakin,
    The catch evolution is lovely, many thanks. I made child theme to make some changes and all’s good except that the social widgets in sidebar-headerright don’t appear, nor does the search icon in the search box. If I mouse-hover over the location for facebook or twitter I get the pop-up for the link but I don’t see the icons.
    My site is
    Could you help me plesae?
    Many thanks!
    Yours sincerely


    @mrjules: There is issue with your child theme style.css. In this file, you are supposed to any only css that you want to modify not the all css.
    So, it will be as
    Theme Name: Catch Evolution Child
    Theme URI:
    Description: Catch Evolution is a beautifully sleek creation of Catch Themes. It exudes a clean and super sharp look. It comes with a whole set of interesting, rich features and flexible theme options. Built on HTML5, CSS3, it has a responsive design which lets the content automatically adapt to the screen's size on different devices. Catch Evolution looks striking in a bigger screen. The layout is wider, bigger and luxuriously spacious. This theme is easily customizable with an advanced theme options panel. It supports popular plugins such as Jetpack, WordPress SEO by Yoast, WP-PageNavi, Contact Form 7, WooCommerce and many more. It is also translation ready and currently translated in Spanish, French, Swedish and German. If you need support with this theme, please go to
    Author: Jules
    Author URI:
    Template: catch-evolution
    Version: 1.0.0
    Tags: dark, light, white, black, gray, one-column, two-columns, left-sidebar, right-sidebar, fixed-layout, fluid-layout, responsive-layout, custom-background, custom-colors, custom-header, custom-menu, editor-style, featured-image-header, featured-images, full-width-template, microformats, post-formats, rtl-language-support, sticky-post, theme-options, translation-ready, threaded-comments, flexible-header, three-columns
    Text Domain: catch-evolution-child

    @import url("../catch-evolution/style.css");

    /* =Theme customization starts here
    -------------------------------------------------------------- */

    Then you should add only the css that you need to modify.


    Hi Sakin,
    Many thanks! I’ll modify my style.css in the child theme. Sorry for my ignorance in these matters! And I really appreciate your help!

    I’ve tried removing all the css except the modified parts but i find that if i do that the whole site turns into a basic html.
    I’m sorry that I don’t understand. I am more an artist than tech.
    I’m sure you are really busy so i’ll not waste your time but search the ‘net for advice and training.
    Many thanks

    Tee M

    I have two questions I could not find in the forums and I could not figure out how to start my own thread. I have been trying to figure this out for two days as I’d rather not put my website on the forum.

    1. Does the catch evolution theme pro support jetpack comments? I noticed my site has not been consistent with allowing people to login via their social network of choice.

    2. On catch evolution pro, I do not like featured images so i simply just upload images on the posts. How do I get these images to scale correctly (mostly when viewing on mobile)…they do not look centered and sometimes it goes past the border of the page. What should the size be for images in posts? (not featured images or header or slider…just a simple image).

    Thanks in advance

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