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  • #185421
    [email protected]

    Is it possible to define the Featured Content image separate from the Featured Image defined for a page? It appears to select the middle portion of the Featured Image of a page, but as I’ve selected a wide landscape image for the page’s Featured Image then the Featured Content image on the home page is showing an un-representative portion of the larger image.

    As an example, see and the Vanlife featured content image, compared to the Featured Image on the Vanlife page when you click through.

    It would be ideal if either a) its possible to define the Featured Content image separately from the Featured Image, or b) be able to define/select the portion of the Featured Image that is shown in the Featured Content box.

    Thanks in advance


    @nigelamountainhigh-co-uk: Hello there,
    You seem to have uploaded an image of size 1366*320px. You will need to upload the recommended image size of 780*586px for the image to look both on homepage and the single/post page.

    Kind Regards,

    [email protected]

    I’ve amended the featured image to 780×586 which makes the Featured Content image box look ok BUT now the corresponding image in the home page Features Page slider (see slide 1 with the van on beach) is out of kilter with the other slide images?
    Does the Slider use the Featured Image – so 789×56? – as I’d seen reference elsewhere to the Slider image size is 1920×800 (though I can’t see where you can specify a Slide image).


    @nigelamountainhigh-co-uk: Hello there,
    Actually the image with Van on the Beach on the slider uses the recommended image size of 1920*800px. Other images seems to be the dimension 1536*361px.

    Kind Regards,

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