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  • #165649

    Hi, I just want inform you. In free Catsch store is a small bug. When you have bigger touch screen, menu looks like dektop menu. Problem is with menu under cathegory. We have in menu Boys->Sweatshirt->With hood. Not posible to click on Boys after that to Sweatshirt and after that With hood. Is possible to click on first level of menu, but the menu won’t open.
    Shop will be openet in next week, so you can see it next week.
    Thanks for a great theme.
    Have a nice day


    @cholik: Hello there,
    Thank your for reporting the issue. I cant seem to figure out the issue as your site is not live yet. Can you provide me your admin credentials and have a look at your site so that I can fix the issue before your site is live? I can send you an email and you can provide me your admin credentials through the email.

    Let me know what you would like to do.
    Kind Regards,

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