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  • #105130

    Hello team,

    In versión 3.8 you made the following change: “Bug Fixed: Footer Menu now does not display sub menus”.

    I dont understand why do you make this change, everything was working fine, if u dont want sub menus on your footer menu, u dont put sub menus.

    What if i want sub menus on my footer menu, if i dont want sub menus, i dont put sub menus.

    I hope u can understand my position, doesnt make sense, i have a website using sub menus on my footer menu and had to downgrade version.

    Thanks for your time.


    @ruben92: It creates a bug in the footer menu when sub menu is used. It puts up some unnecessary white spaces. That’s why it is removed. But if you do want this, you’ll need to create a child theme. You can find more details on creating child theme HERE.
    Then in you child theme’s functions.php add the following codes.

    function adventurous_footer_menu() {
    	if ( has_nav_menu( 'footer' ) ) { ?>
            <div id="footer-menu">
                <nav id="access-footer" role="navigation">
                    <h2 class="assistive-text"><?php _e( 'Footer Menu', 'adventurous-pro' ); ?></h2>
                            $args = array(
                                'theme_location'  => 'footer',
                                'container_class' => 'menu-footer-container',
                                'items_wrap'      => '<ul class="menu">%3$s</ul>',
                            wp_nav_menu( $args );
                </nav><!-- .site-navigation .main-navigation -->
    } // adventurous_footer_menu


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