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  • in reply to: Logo/Menu Alignment #103199

    @ana, could you please share us your site URL so that we could inspect your site and give you the possible solution?

    in reply to: Border around Header in Boxed layout #101537

    Can you try this please ?

    .entry-content p {
        border: none;


    in reply to: Border around Header in Boxed layout #101521

    If it is to remove the rust line (orange solid line) in the single post, then following custom CSS could help you.

    .field-item.odd p {
        border: none !important;

    Hopefully it would work!

    in reply to: Underline in menu #101458

    As much as we would love to help you on this request as well like before but such tweak on the menu cannot be easily achieve through small code and fixes.

    Therefore, we would like to recommend you to Hire a Customizer to get this customized according to your requirement without breaking any functionalities and future updates.

    Hope it would help you moving forward.

    Thank you.

    in reply to: Underline in menu #101457

    As much as we would love to help you on this request as well like before but such tweak on the menu cannot be easukt achieved small code and fixes.

    Therefore, we would like to recommend you to Hire a Customizer to get this customized according to your requirement without breaking any functionalities and future updates.

    Hope it would help you moving forward.

    Thank you.

    in reply to: Underline in menu #101215

    Trying to add some custom CSS on the secondary menu items. Add the following CSS on the Appearance -> Customize -> Advance Options -> Custom CSS

    background-color: #8c8b8b;
        border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.15);

    Hope this helps in tweaking the current secondary submenu style of your site.

    in reply to: Underline in menu #101200

    Can you please share your site URL ? We will try to inspect your browser source code to find the probable solution for you.

    in reply to: Underline in menu #101198

    Sub menu by default is visible in mobile view. You can also check this theme’s existing demo to verify in mobile view as well :

    We hope this is clear to you.

    in reply to: Search icon at top #100817


    To add the search bar in your sidebar widget you can simply go to your Admin Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Widgets > Primary Sidebar > Add A Widget and choose the “Search” Widget.

    You can give a widget title and save your changes to display the Search bar in the Primary Sidebar area.

    Also, if you want to display the current search bar [ currently centered on top of the primary menu ] to the right, you can paste in the following custom CSS in your Admin

    Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Theme options > Advanced Options > Custom CSS :

    @media (min-width:1025px) {
    .header-top-inner {
    display: block;
    margin-left: 988px;

    This will make the search form align to the right only for the desktop screens.

    Hope this helps,


    in reply to: Underline in menu #100816


    The WEN Business Pro theme already comes with the color setting option for the underline below the menu items.

    To change the color of the menu items underline simply go to your Admin

    Dashboard > Appearance > Customizer > Color Settings > Primary Menu Color Options > Main Underline Color and choose the color of your choice for the underline.

    Also under this setting, Main Link Hover Color will set the color of the underline while on hover.

    For your query regarding the “Depth” you can go to Admin

    Dashboard > Appearance > Customizer > Theme Options > Advanced Options > Custom CSS and paste in the following custom CSS :

    #site-navigation ul li a:after {
        opacity: 0.6;

    You can increase or decrease the opacity value to change the color depth of the underline.

    Hope this resolves your issue.

    Best Regards !!

    in reply to: Border around Header in Boxed layout #100191

    Sure, we understand your problem and trying our best to assist you.

    You can adjust menu to extend to fullwidth removing white space in left.

    #site-navigation{ float: none !important; }

    Next, we see you have actual slider disabled from theme option and instead showing custom header image.

    Assuming, you want to reduce height of current header image there are two options.

    Option I :

    Crop while you upload the header image from Customizer. You get cropping tool in the uploading process. This way you can crop to less height.

    Option II :

    To adjust header image height through custom CSS.

    #custom-header img{ height: 264px /* adjust this numeric value to your own */}

    Adjust image height such that it do not appear skewed.


    in reply to: Border around Header in Boxed layout #100165

    Did you paste above given custom CSS in your Customizer theme options ?

    They should remove the white space between header image and white bars of each menu.

    Also as we check your browser source code that has error in floating the menu to left previously given. ( not sure whether you have intentionally set the menu to float to the right).

    Anyways, to start the menu from left, paste this code :
    #site-navigation{ float: none; }

    Thank you

    in reply to: Border around Header in Boxed layout #100161

    Hi Nancy,

    We are trying to answer on your current issues below.

    how to remove border between header and menu bar under it.

    #site-navigation {
       margin-top: -5px; /* removes top border i.e. white space */
    #site-navigation ul li a::after, #site-navigation .current_page_item a:after, #site-navigation .current-menu-item a:after{
    	    background-color: none; /* removes menu border bottom */
    #site-navigation .current_page_item a:after, #site-navigation .current-menu-item a:after, #site-navigation ul li a:hover:after{
    	    background-color: none; /* removes menu border bottom on menu hover as well  */

    My site is not showing up on Firefox and it has different color on Microsoft Edge.

    For us, your site is normally displaying as when checked in FF and MS Edge.

    You can correspondingly verify against an actual demo of the theme on your browser as well since this is not an issue with the theme.

    in reply to: Border around Header in Boxed layout #100050

    To change the background color of the menu, you can go to
    Dashboard -> Appearance -> Customize -> Color Options -> Color Settings -> Primary Menu Color Options -> Menu Background Color.

    To change the background color of the sidebar you can go to
    Dashboard -> Appearance -> Customize -> Color Options -> Color Settings ->Sidebar Color Options -> Background Color.

    To reduce the white space between header image and menu the below given css will help, also we would like you to suggest you that your #sitenavigation custom CSS seems to have an invalid property value of float so you can also add the below given custom css to

    Dashboard -> Appearance -> Customize -> Theme Options -> Advanced Options.
    (If you do not want your menu to float to left you can remove the float: none; part. )

    #site-navigation {
       margin-top: -5px;
       float: none;

    Hope this helps !

    in reply to: Child's Theme #100037

    Hello @Nancy,

    We have listed the tickets from archive that we have discussed and resolved in past for you. So we believe the current issues you are having is moreover similar and the following references could help you resolving them again.

    1. Add meta tags to head

    2. Remove border around header in boxed layout

    3. Double image on the front page

    4. Put top menu below header

    5. Remove white space / header above featured header image

    Let us know if you still have any difficulty in implementing those solutions in current instances.

    in reply to: Child's Theme #99804


    We can see your site is screwed up and it is quite hard to guess and provide you the exact solution. It seems like you have made some changes on the code of the theme itself, we would like you to request you to undo the changes you have made on the theme recently and see if it helps.

    If it does not work, as much as we would like to help you we will not able to as, the theme doesn’t support this customization and this is beyond the support offered for our products, which consists of bug fixing and theme documentation.

    Since, it would be wise not to modify the code yourself if you do not have profound knowledge on programming, our suggestion to you is to hire a professional developer for your customization, so that your theme will no be effected in any way.

    To hire a developer please follow the link below

    Thank you.

    in reply to: Child's Theme #99452

    You are welcome !. As always it’s been our pleasure to assist you in your problem. Thank you so much for your appreciating comments as well.

    in reply to: Child's Theme #99393

    We have just re-emailed you with the attached child theme zip. Please confirm it and reply on the email.

    in reply to: Child's Theme #99391

    It was already sent to this email : [email protected] .

    Please confirm it and let us know.

    in reply to: Child's Theme #99253


    Sorry to hear that your site is down. After checking your it appears that most of your plugins are also deactivated or removed. You need to re-activate or reinstall them.

    Also regarding child theme, we will send you the copy of child theme that we had last sent to you.

    Hopefully, you will be able to put your site back to normal after few of these instructions.


Viewing 20 posts - 41 through 60 (of 117 total)