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  • in reply to: Current sub menu color #17801

    Ah right, I think I havent explained it right. Im new :/ I mean the background of the submenu after selection of a top menu item.

    Example click on 1 and background turns grey, which then shows 4 and 5 as submenu with the background thats grey. Its the background of 4 and 5 (without clicking on them) that i want as a different color rather than grey.

    in reply to: Current sub menu color #17773

    Ive tried so many ways of doing this. Ive looked through so many forum topics on many forums and come to the conclusion that in style.css this theme does not allow different color for a sub menu, once the a top menu has been selected.

    in reply to: Current sub menu color #17771

    Also, I havent done any editing of the original style css in the original parent simple-catch folder.

    What I just done to double check is activate the simple-catch theme (not my child) and put that code you wrote in the custom css box and saved. It still doesnt work and gives the same outcome as the picture above.

    in reply to: Current sub menu color #17768

    Im actually using a child theme. I have a child folder and child css with the template linking back to simple-catch folder :s

    I done what you said putting into the custom css and deleting everything in my child theme style to double check if it works. It didnt so im left stumped and been at this little problem for hours :/ whats going wrong. My child theme style css is empty of any code. So all the code loaded should be from the original simple-catch… But it still doesnt work


    As you can see in the picture, the currently selected menu page is giving the currently selected submenu the same color. I would like them different colors

    in reply to: Current sub menu color #17754

    I still cant get this done after hours of trying and using chrome dev tools. Im missing something simple. Appreciate any help

    in reply to: Current sub menu color #17747

    Thanks for the reply.
    I tried that code but it does not change the submenu current background color
    if you click on 1,2 or 3 the entire submenu is still orange. I need it black but the page 1,2 or 3 that you selected first of all needs to be orange still.

    in reply to: Current sub menu color #17745

    Thanks for the reply.
    I tried that code but it does not change the submenu current background color

    if you click on 1,2 or 3 the entire submenu is still orange. I need it black but the page 1,2 or 3 that you selected first of all needs to be orange still.

    in reply to: Current sub menu color #17741

    Click on one of the pages on menu. Some have submenus.

    But the selected submenu background color is the same as the menu bar page background (once its been selected)

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