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  • Laura Pio

    It did the trick, Sakin. Thanks a lot! 🙂

    Laura Pio

    Hi, please see if you can understand what I need on this image. Thank you.

    in reply to: Please Donate to Catch Themes after Nepal Earthquake #57664
    Laura Pio

    I just bought the pro version. You deserve it. 🙂
    Take care!
    Greetings from Brazil.

    in reply to: Please Donate to Catch Themes after Nepal Earthquake #57429
    Laura Pio

    Sakin, it’s nice to hear you are ok. When I saw the earthquake on tv, I thought of you although I’m just writing it right now. Thank God you and hopefully your family haven’t got hurt.

    I was to buy the pro theme mainly to support you, because you have always been so supportive here in the forum, and you have been doing it all by yourself, and I admire it. Now, more than ever I will be sure to buy it by next week. It’s the least I can do.

    Take care, man.
    Stay strong!

    Laura Pio


    I’m aware of this. I’ve got a tutorial of how to make a child theme and will learn it as soon as possible.

    Well, again your help was gold! Thank you, man!

    Have a great Sunday. ^_^


    Laura Pio

    Yeaaaahh! You are the one! It worked! 😀

    Now I just need to know how to make the title of my galleries in my featured content on the frontpage turn white again. It’s gray again, I don’t know why 😮
    I’ve set all the typography colors to white on style.css but nothing has changed.

    Please help again! You are the master!

    Laura Pio

    Hi Sakin.

    Sorry to bother again but if I plan to buy this theme, I must be sure this problem will be solved…

    Please is there any other way I can fix the fact that on mobile phones, the header almost fully covers my main sliders? Take a look again:

    It wasn’t tested in an older version of IPhone as you supposed. It looks like this in all mobiles I access my website. Even in Google Page Speed Insights you can see that the header covers the slider.

    There must be a way to fix it, because even though this theme is mobile responsive, it’s not working perfectly.

    The code you suggested me to put in the custom CSS box didn’t work: @media screen and (max-width: 319px) { #logo-icon { width: 55%; } } 🙁

    What do you think I could do to improve my mobile version and get rid of this problem?


    Laura Pio

    Yes, I waited.
    Well, I’m gonna try this code and see what happens.

    I’d like to thank you again for all the support you gave me!

    I’ll sure consider buying the pro version to support you guys, probably in 1 month. This month I became poor with so many expenses like hosting, domains etc haha!

    Tell me one thing, will the white label on the bottom disappear if I buy the pro version? (that thing written “Full frame theme by Catch Themes”)


    Laura Pio

    By the way… this is how my frontpage looks on an IPhone: the header covers 80% of my main slides! 🙁

    Laura Pio

    Sakin, thanks for replying.

    I didn’t know those sizes were considered heavy. :p Well, I’ve just changed the size of the background images from all pages, including the frontpage, but it’s still not possible to open the menu…. 🙁 Any other suggestions?

    As for the letter C, if you open my photos in a desktop or laptop, you can read their descriptions; I’ve written a description on most of them. But if you open the photos in a mobile device, the descriptions aren’t there. What could be the reason for that?

    Thanks again!

    Laura Pio

    Sakin, IT WORKED! It worked! haha, I went bananas when I saw things change in a matter of seconds! Thank you! I’ve published my site after that which is

    Please notice I use a squares gallery from Jetpack but still it isn’t centered. I was forced to align the title of my pages left because as they are normal media, they do get centered, but as the galleries don’t, the centered titles can’t fit them. Any ideas?

    Sakin, I can I rely on you to help me on other issues?

    1- I want my logo to be displayed at the bottom of my frontpage (since it’s not possible to be shown on the top, like on the promotion headline for example) and the only solution I found was to set “my latest posts” instead of a static frontpage and created a post where I just set my logo as a featured image.
    But I don’t like the fact that people can see that little red calendar sign on the left and can access it as if it was a picture… Is it possible to be solved? Or is there any other solution to display my logo on the frontpage or even in all pages on a fixed header or background?

    Mobile issues – not good at all:

    a) The menu isn’t showed when I click on those small menu bars (very bad thing to someone who wants to navigate through my website);

    b) When I click to enlarge a photo, it doesn’t fit the mobile’s screen and the horizontal photos look just small, even when I turn my tablet on the horizontal position;

    c) The description of my pictures is gone! Where have they gone? D:

    d) A security warning is displayed as soon as I access the site and over all pages I access. People will think my site has as virus.

    I have accessed the site using Android.

    Thanks a lot in advance to everyone who can help me, especially you Saki, who already did!

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