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  • Kjell Andersson

    Hello Mahesh.
    Thank you so much for your reply.
    My intention is not to put whole design in the desihn just some elements that need CSS.
    Example of those is owl-carousel for images and the image slider I mentioned before.

    So the thing I would like to do is to put in some slider.
    But I am not sure where to put the code and where to put the CSS stylesheet link.
    I will try the child theme as you reconmended.

    Kindly regards

    in reply to: Change menu height #100736
    Kjell Andersson

    Hello again Pratik.
    Thank you for your help, that worked out well. I have just a question regarding this code.

    If you see image below then you can se the menu as is original. there is dropdown menu below the menu field.


    Here can you see the image after I past in the code and change 45px,it look like it is overlaped.

    Is there any chance that I can change the code so its not overlaping the menu?

    My second question I wonder is following.

    In your Kathmandu demo theme you have a nice menu system in the footer. Is there any chance that you can past that code to me so I also can put that in the CSS box?


    I really appreciate you help, thank you very much.


    in reply to: Change menu height #100689
    Kjell Andersson

    Did you understand what I mean?

    in reply to: Change menu height #100684
    Kjell Andersson

    Hello Pratik.
    Here is the URL of my site.

    I need to change the height the brown menu that says
    Start Vår släktresa Kyrkan i släkten Släktsidor

    Thank you for your effords and tryings

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