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  • in reply to: Remove Social Media Button #9675

    Great, thanks Sakin, I got it fixed. I appreciate the help!

    in reply to: Remove Social Media Button #9666

    Oh yikes. What do I need to do in CSS to hide the title and description in the CSS? Thanks so much for seeing that!

    One other question- I know I have heard people talking about using Child Theme as the base because once you update theme, or upgrade, that you lose your changes. I guess I am not totally clear on that. Is it just using that as the base? I want to upgrade to Pro, but don’t want to lose everything!

    in reply to: Remove Social Media Button #9620

    Also- will removing the social media links in the header reduce the padding that is currently there?

    in reply to: Feature Slider image #8185

    Sorry, yes, technically it is excerpt view, but it still shows a very large image and lots of text. I would like it to only show the post title, no image.

    in reply to: Feature Slider image #8160

    Ok, that seemed to do the job. I am not sure why it didn’t work the first time. It is working fine now.

    Next question (it will end I promise) I want to diplay on my category pages only links to the full posts, where currently it posts a large image and text. In the WP instruction on this it states that the theme needs to be changed/altered to do that here:

    Perhaps you are looking to cut down on the size of your Category pages. You could do this by displaying excerpts rather than the entire content of each Post. To do this, you will just need to find where it says the_content() inside The Loop in your Template, and replace it with the_excerpt(). These will most likely be inside PHP tags:
    <?php the_excerpt(); ?>
    <?php the_content(); ?>

    Conversely, if your Theme is currently displaying excerpts and you want full posts, replace the_excerpt with the_content.

    As it states above, I want to put just an excepert of the actual post and Post title. Above that I will just have General static images of wha tthe category contains, to make the category easier to navigate. I eventually am importing a large number of recipes and having to many THAT large will just not work. Thoughts?

    Thanks again SO much.

    in reply to: Feature Slider image #8112

    Ok- I think I may have answered my own question there looking at the Pro features. I see Custom Menu listed. So that would allow me to use the WP custom menu feature, correct? I think that would be the only other thing I want to alter.

    in reply to: Feature Slider image #8111

    I currently have it set here as children pages, but that doesn’t allow me to drop the categories into them.

    in reply to: Feature Slider image #8110

    One more question for ya 🙂 I have a cooking blog- so i have one page set as “recipe box” and have been trying to make it so that I can make category pages in the “Recipe Box.” I know you can do this with custom menus, does the theme have this capability? I tried to use it (custom menu) but it made a mess of the nav bar. Is this something available with Pro? (the use of the custom menu option)



    in reply to: Feature Slider image #8049


    Thanks so much. I got the header image sized properly and social media buttons in thier proper place. I think I want to keep them where they are, but when I upgrade to Pro may try moving them around, but I am pretty ok with it right now.
    I think I have everything in its place now. Thanks SO much, you make it easy doing this and def. worth upgrading!


    in reply to: Feature Slider image #8038

    Ok, reading more into what other people have done with the theme (which I will prob get the Pro here very shortly) I guess what I want to ideally do is have the header image, about 850 X 250px but I also would like to still have the social media buttons, just NOT the search bar.
    So three items I know I need to do for the header:

    1. how to increase the header width area (when I try to load the image it gives me an error page load after the page where it recommends a image size of 300px width)
    2. move social media buttons up on the header section
    3. how to remove the search bar (I haven’t search for this…I was being lazy 🙁 sorry )

    Thanks so much!


    in reply to: Feature Slider image #8035

    Oh my. Yes. I got it now. It was so simple. I think I was overthinking it.

    Ok- so my original thinking on the banner won’t really work. How can I move the search bar and Social Buttons to the side bar to be able to use the CSS to maximize the space for the header for a logo banner? I am trying to have the logo banner extend across the top.

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