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  • #317551

    Now I have more intensely with the FSE Plugin Pro. I worked on the demo video. However, my questions are getting bigger.
    1. I thought FSE was a technoligie to create the website without limitations. So free and not so static to the theme. But that is not so difficult …. it is very complex to understand this technology.

    2. There are templates that can be used. But actually I would like to adapt these templates according to my needs before I integrate them into my website. Then I can insert these templates again and again and these prices for my design.

    3. I lack a design in which I can have a background image and scroll the text over the background when scrolling or scroll the picture with the text over the standing other content. Like Beom Theme Full Screen Pro. I said that I did it while practicing, but I can’t find it anymore.

    I missed a slider how I created it in the Theme Full Screen Pro.

    My idea is that I can use this plugin and with which all possible websites can build. So I just have to know a plugin and can do everything from it.

    Or isn’t that the idea of FSE?

    Thank you for your answers.


    Now I have dealt with the plugin. The following points should be mentioned:
    Point 3 of Oaben has done it, it works. Unfortunately you do not see this in the preview, but only after saving, when loading the page.

    The preview is very bad, the page is wider than the screen and therefore not everything can be stored. Makes work a little cumbersome. So I took a look at Oxygen, they solved it very nicely. The preschhau works perfectly and the operation is sometimes easier.

    To my requirements of the slider, second last section from above:
    – genes -sided representation
    – The slider should automatically switch to the next picture
    – The pictures should be displayed in a random order
    – The pictures should be able to be made. This means that the picture is switched on depending on the image -making dimension, for example to be conceived on a smartphone. Here I want to be able to determine with each picture whether the image is now displayed in which position.
    -se should run like on my current website


    @henebe : Thank you for your feedback and findings. We are constantly working to improve the features provided by FSE Pro plugin. I will check for the slider related issues and get back to you soon.


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