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  • #46939

    I acquired Version 2.9.3 of Catchbox Pro this year and now want to upgrade to Version 3.2. I have 2 questions:

    1. I have used the customization scheme in Catchbox Pro to come up with my own colour schene, fonts etc and I also have some custom CSS code. Will all this get wiped out when I upgrade to the new theme

    2. In your update instructions, you say I should “upload the extracted folder to the Catchbox Pro folder under wp-content/themes” Currently, the Catchbox Pro folder has 6 subfolders (colors; css; images; inc; JS; languages and some 40 files. So do I just drag and drop the extracted folder onto the main Catchbox Pro folder or do I have to drag and drop for each individual subfolder and then the individual files.




    1. I don’t know what is the level of customization that you have done. If you have customize the theme just using theme options panel, then all your edits will be safe. But if you have edit/added any files inside ‘catch-box-pro’ theme directory, then this will revert back to original when you update the theme.

    So, we recommend to make the edit only from our Theme Options panel and other settings and not to edit any core theme files inside ‘catch-box-pro’ theme directory. And if you need to change any core theme files or functions then you need to build child theme and edit it.

    2. There is one easy option to update the theme. Just activate our plugin Catch Updater. You can download and read the instructions from

    But if you want to use the FTP then you need to replace all the files and folders in ‘catch-box-pro’ theme directory.

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