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  • #180120

    I had my website with catch mustang since 2014, I just updated because I wanted to update my php to 7.3 and was also hoping that the new version of catch mustang was compatible. Looks like it’s not compatible either way (with php updated and without), couldn’t use it with the old version of php and when i tried to use it by just updating my current version I can seem to use any of my previous services pages, only about 5 show up for the front page widgets.

    Had to revert back to old version, is there anyway to get a refund?


    @xmike24: Hello there,
    Can you please post in your site URL and elaborate your issue so that I can help you out?

    Kind Regards,



    When I updated to the new version of catch mustang the whole front page reset (no big deal I can redo it)
    but when I tried to put the widgets the way they previously were with services on bottom of the main scroll, none of the services were available. There was no way for me to add them back.

    My ultimate goal was to update everything including updating to most recent PHP and most recent catch mustang


    @xmike24: Hello there,
    Can you try using Catch Import Export Plugin to export the customizer setting.

    Then you update the theme. After you update the theme you import the customizer settings you had exported earlier.

    To update the PHP version you will to contact your web server.

    Let me know if this helps you out!
    Kind Regards,


    Unfortunately, as much as I wanted that to work, I tried it twice and it doesn’t seem to do anything.
    Photos are still the catch mustang stock photos along with the widgets
    When I try to redo the front page, when I drag that “services widget” onto the homepage top, the drop down only show the 10 newest services without any way for me to add older ones.

    I can definitely update the php version the host, I just wanted to verify everything was going to work first prior to doing it. I know I can backup/restore the site much quicker doing all this first then I can the php version. I don’t think the hosting would allow me to go to previous php versions as easy.


    @xmike24: Hello there,
    I will need to look into your settings to debug the issue. For that I will need your WP Admin Credentials. I will contact you shortly by email.

    Kind Regards,


    I guess before we go that route, is there any benefit to me updating to the most recent version? My intention was to update everything prior to upgrading php version so hopefully it wouldn’t mess up, however I was just able to upgrade php and it’s working fine. I guess more importantly, is there any SEO or security benefit to updating catch theme?


    @xmike24: Hello there,
    Yes there are security updates bug fixes and lot of changes to make the theme efficient. We always recommend users to have the latest version so that they are more secure to vulnerabilities and threats. You can check out the changes being made in each version update here.

    Kind Regards,

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