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  • #60774

    Hi there, I’m using Catch Kathmandu and when I go to make changes to my theme options (both the featured content and the featured slider) and I click on “save” I am taken to my homepage and when I return to the editing screen, none of the changes have been made.

    I have tried two different computers, reinstalled WP, logged out, etc.
    and it worked on his computer with his system. We are both administrators, so things should work the same for both of us.

    Any ideas?


    @mtsweb: did you try it from different browser as sometime there will be browser issue. I am bit confused as your said it’s working on other computer. Also can you try with another administrator password.

    So, try it and if this doesn’t work then I need to check in your server. Let me know it and then I will email you for access.

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