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  • #86049

    Hi- I recently downloaded this theme to WordPress, however each time I attempt to ‘Customize’ the site, I receive the following message:

    TypeError: elt.url.split is not a function. (In ‘elt.url.split(‘/’)’, ‘elt.url.split’ is undefined)

    I tried a different browser to no avail. My dashboard appears to be working fine, but again, I can’t edit the site through the Customizer – a spinning area appears as if the page is trying to load, but that’s it.


    Hi @shawng0yahoo-com,

    Are you using any plugins, if yes, please try disabling the plugins one-by-one and check again. In our server the theme is working fine and so as the customizer. Let me know if the problem persists. Please post in your site url.


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