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  • #37234

    I am a non-programer and having a few problems setting up my site at

    I would like a way to either remove the slider with the tiger picture from the static front page so that it only shows the road picture –

    Or replace the tiger picture with other pictures. I did not see any instructions in the documentation on how to do this. Or perhaps I just missed it, or don’t understand where to find the information.

    Thank you for any help you can give.



    Hello Janyce,

    1. The Road Image is there from “Appearance => Theme Options => Header Featured Image Options”. You can change or remove it from there.

    2. The tigers image is from Featured Slider. I see that you are using Adventurous Free there, where you can select the slider type as “Post Slider” or “Category Slider”. But of these slider is created to highlight your post in Slider.
    — 2.1: If you want to disable this slider then simply go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Slider Options”, check Disable in “Enable Slider” option and save changes.
    — 2.2: If you want to change the slider image, then there are two option
    ——- 2.2.1. Post Slider: For Post slider check out this video series and also check out theme instructions page at
    ——- 2.2.2. Category Slider: For category slider, first you need to create post and add in featured image. See this video on how to add featured image in your post and then go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Slider Options”, check “Category Slider” in Select Slider Type and then you can select the category from where you want to highlight the post at “Featured Category Slider Options” and save changes.


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