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  • #38699

    Having some trouble changing the text on the social icons. I have replaced the RSS icon with a custom icon and that works fine. However the hover still says RSS.

    I have tried changing it in the catchbox-functions.php but no luck. What am I missing here?

    			if ( !empty( $options[ 'social_rss' ] ) ) {
    				$catchbox_social_networks .=
    					'<li class="rss"><a href="'.esc_url( $options[ 'social_rss' ] ).'" title="'. esc_attr__( 'IMDB', 'catchbox' ) .'" target="_blank">'. esc_attr__( 'IMDB', 'catchbox' ) .'</a></li>';

    @medicsontheball: Your changes looks fine and you will see changes automatically after 24 hours to clear the cache or you can manually clear it by changing anything in Theme Options panel and save changes.

    Note: Please don’t edit or add files inside catch-box-pro directory. As this folder will be reverted back to original when you update the theme and your edits will be lost. So, if you want to edit any core theme functions then you can build child theme and copy functions catchbox_social_networks in your child theme functions.php file and edit it there.

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