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  • #63459

    Hello. I am trying to include a sponsor logo carousel on my website. I can get the Kiwi logo Carousel plug in to work properly on a test HTML page by pasting the short code (listed below) into the WYSIWYG editor. But, if I do the exact same thing on a Post, it doesn’t work on the homepage. It works when clicking into the post page, but not the post on the homepage. In addition, it doesn’t work when I put the short code into the footer through the Customize theme options, footer editor options. Any suggestions on how to get the logo carousel to work on the homepage of the website?

    Short code:
    [logo-carousel id=2016sponsors]

    Catch Responsive Pro, using child themes

    Page it works on:

    Post it doesn’t work on:

    but works on the full post page here:

    Thank you!


    @Brook: WordPress excerpt will not show any formatting or short-code. So, if you want to display that in post in homepage/archive, then you need to go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Layout Options => Archive Content Layout” and select “Show Full Content (No Featured Image).

    Then if you want to split content in your home/archive page, then you can use more tag <!--more-->. To read about more tag, check this

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