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  • #82769

    I got an email last October from my service provider indicating that I have 8 files with malicious software and I should contact Site Lock to have them removed. There were some negative comments about Site Lock on the web so I didn’t take the email seriously but I discovered very recently that if you do a Google search and my site comes up, there is a message saying it may have been hacked. I went into webmaster tools and looked at the Security tab and it said I had no issues. I contacted my service provider who reiterated that the following 8 files are infected (same ones as in their October email) and they seem to want me to delete them. I list the files below 2 of which are Catchbox files. Any suggestions on how I should proceed? I’m concerned that Catchbox may not work if I start deleting files. My web skills are limited. I wrote the site in WordPress and can do basic stuff but nothing more. I got expert assistance to add some bells and whistles.

    /public_html/wp-includes/images/smilies/themes.php: {HEX}php.cmdshell.unclassed.344.UNOFFICIAL FOUND
    /public_html/wp-includes/images/wlw/credits.php: JCDEF.PHP.CMDSHELL-01.UNOFFICIAL FOUND
    /public_html/wp-includes/images/wlw/ {HEX}PHP.C99-7.UNOFFICIAL FOUND
    /public_html/wp-includes/images/wlw/widgets.php: SiteLock-PHP-SHELL-md5-djx.UNOFFICIAL FOUND
    /public_html/wp-content/themes/catch-box-pro/functions.php: LONGDEF.PHP.Spam-Links-009N.UNOFFICIAL FOUND
    /public_html/wp-content/themes/catch-box-pro/colors/css.php: JCDEF.PHP.CMDSHELL-01.UNOFFICIAL FOUND
    /public_html/wp-content/themes/twentyfourteen/genericons/font/ {HEX}PHP.C99-7.UNOFFICIAL FOUND
    /public_html/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7/includes/second.php: SiteLock-PHP-SHELL-md5-djx.UNOFFICIAL FOUND



    Hi @Adam,

    It seems your site has been hacked. Please completely reinstall the WordPress, themes and plugins.
    As mentioned above in the infected files list, the theme doesn’t have the file called css.php and function.php may be compromised too.

    Let me know if re-installation fixes your issue.



    @aplackettsympatico-ca: Hi Adam,

    Hacked site is really hard to recover. So, you need to be very careful about your site WordPress Core, Plugins and Theme updates. Update it as soon as you get it so that you don’t get hacked.

    You might want to check with your server and also check this article that I wrote

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