• This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Anne.
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  • #114907

    I’m having trouble getting photos I’m posting to show up in my blog. I have a child theme created that I’m working from, so maybe the issue is with this child theme?

    For example, when I go under my Pictures tab in the menu bar –> 2013 Pictures –> Dec 2013 –> only the text “One Month Old” and “Dec 1 2013” is showing up and not a photo too. How do I get the photos to show up?

    Secondly, how do I change the font in the right hand sidebar to be the same size as the text in my blog?

    Thank you,


    Hi @kayaker4157,

    It looks like you have made a page. Please add media to that page and the pictures will show up. Follow instructions given here: https://codex.wordpress.org/Inserting_Media_into_Posts_and_Pages.

    Let me know how it goes.



    Hi Pratik,
    Thank you for your response. I had been trying to insert photos that way, or with a photo plugin, but they still will not show up on the website once I post the page to my blog site. When I preview the page, it shows the text and photo perfectly fine. Then I hit publish and only the text shows up on the main website. I tried it again last night with a new post entitled “Test Post with Picture” and as you can see, there is a short line of text and a photo attached, but when I published it, only the text is showing up on my blog website – no photo is included. Is there code I need to include in my child theme for the media images to show up?
    Thank you!


    Hi Pratik,
    I think I figured out my photos issue and they are now showing up on my blog.
    Just wanted to let you know.

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