Now that my site is published and visible, I still have a few problems. Site: sakalya.be
1) certain pages/posts have a ‘not private’ or ‘not secure’ error and do not display. This happens when when you click on the button for these:
Page: Wat zijn de volgende stappen – button ‘verder lezen’
page: Leven als vrouw…. button – ‘volgende’
post: Bijeenkomsten – button ‘naar agenda’
2) When I click on home in the menu the homepage is shown as not secure
3) why do the posts for ‘blog’ show a folder (catagories), tags, and edit at the end of the text that you can cklick on, on the published site?
4) how do I reconnect instagram to the widget and adjust the height of the widget to be the same as the others?
I’m not sure if all these questions are for you or for the hosting, please let me know
Thank you!