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  • #79532


    is there an easy way to upgrade from one to another without setting everything again? Tried on my development environment just by installing Pro and switching themes and some of the pages gets broken?

    I have made my own translation for standard theme, is there an easy way to convert it into Pro? As I suppose some of the entries are the same? Does it require to make it from the scratch?


    @Daareek: You don’t need to reset everything. Most of the settings from Catch Responsive Free theme will be migrated to Catch Responsive Pro theme. You can check out at

    Can you let me know what type of pages get broken. It shouldn’t be like that if you haven’t made changes to core theme files

    If you have translation of Free theme then you can add that files in pro theme languages folder. If you want to contribute then let me know it. I will add that language file in both free and pro version. No, you don’t required you to start translation from scratch. You can just copy the file and then start it by translating additional strings.


    Hi, thanks for Your reply!

    Migration – most are but even main picture is lost 🙂 Check it out:

    left is standard, right is development just migrated to pro… Some applets as FB or instagram moved to bottom of the page.

    I already contributed free translation. 🙂 I used and started with free catch-responsive.pot, then after translation made po and mo file.

    Where to start to make additions to pro? If I will start with its catch-responsive.pot I will start from the scratch, right?


    @Daareek: Ok I will check on this migration.
    1. Header featured image should have been transferred.
    2. This widget might be moved and you might need to re-add it. As it’s get changes with changes in theme.

    About the translation. You can just copy and pl_PL.po file to catch-resposnive-pro theme languages folder and start translating missing strings only.

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