Hi Mahesh,
This does seem to reduce the space a little more. Thank you! Not to be too picky – but is there a way to make it a little bit smaller? (I see the margin is at 0″ – so perhaps that’s the least space it can be?) Let me know.
One other question, can the space (line height/leading) in h1 and h2 that runs into a second line be decreased?? For example on this page: https://studyabroad.wp.d.umn.edu/get-started/myths/
Example: h2 in second paragraph: “I’m not studying a foreign language, so studying abroad is useless.”
When header sentences break into to two lines, I’m wondering if the space between the two lines can be decreased. (i.e. I’d like when the space between “I’m not studying a foreign language” and “so studying abroad is useless” breaks into two lines to be a little smaller.)
Let me know if I’m being clear, or if you understand what I’m trying to describe!
Many thanks for your help!
(picky graphic designer / typography geek.)