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  • #101558

    I ahve to insert a statement between <head> and </head>.
    Where should I do the best way. I have a child theme, should I do there?

    Thank you


    Hello Herbie,

    To insert code in header section, I recommend you to install our plugin Catch Web Tools and then activate “Webmaster Tools” modules and from “Catch Web Tools => Webmaster Tools => Enable Webmaster Module” and finally add in code in “Catch Web Tools => Webmaster Tools => Header and Footer Scripts => Enter scripts or code you would like output to wp_head():” box.

    But if you are doing it from child theme, then you need need to be carefully as simple coding can make your site down. For child theme, add the following code in your child theme functions.php file. Just replace <!-- Add in your header code here --> with your code.

    function catchresponsive_child_header_code() { ?>
    	<!-- Add in your header code here -->
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