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  • #263226


    I kindly request your help to change the address option of the header top contact details.
    I need to change it to a clickable option like the telephone and email, so it is an whatsapp clickable number.
    Can I edit it directly on the main theme style sheet? Or how can I edit it in the child theme I am currently working on?

    Waiting to hear from you and thanking you in advance,

    Kind regards,
    Frederico Pessanha


    @fredericopessanha: Hello Frederico,
    Go to => Child Theme Folder => create new folders template-parts/header/ => Create a file contact-details-top.php inside the header folder and add the Code in this link.

    Go to => Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Header Top Options => Contact Number => Add the link and Publish.

    Replace the number 123456789 in the link by your Whatsapp number with country code and then the phone number. Don’t use space or dash(-) between the code and the number.

    Let me know if this works out!
    Kind Regards,



    Thank you so much for this.
    But what I need to change is not the telephone but the address option, so I have :
    Email as email – as it is
    Telephone as telephone – as it is
    Address as whatsapp – what needs to be changed

    Waiting to hear from you and thanking you in advance,

    Kind regards,
    Frederico Pessanha



    Thank you so much for this.
    But what I need to change is not the telephone but the address option, so I have :
    Email as email – as it is
    Telephone as telephone – as it is
    Address as whatsapp – what needs to be changed

    Waiting to hear from you and thanking you in advance,

    Kind regards,
    Frederico Pessanha


    Hello again,

    Should I do exactly as you indicated on your message of 21st October and replace the code of the telephone you sent with the original telephone code and replace the address code with the new changed code for whatsapp? Will that work or does it need to be changed somewhere else?

    Waiting to hear from you and thanking you in advance,

    Kind regards,
    Frederico Pessanha


    @fredericopessanha: Hello Frederico,
    Please replace the above code I provided you with the Code in this link. This will change the Address option to the Whatsapp number. You will need to insert the Whatsapp number like I mentioned you above.

    Let me know if this works out!
    Kind Regards,


    Dear Skandha,

    It worked out beautifully, thank you so much !

    Kind regards,
    Frederico Pessanha


    Dear Skandha,

    I was just seing the new changes in my telephone and I just noticed the contact bar actually is called “top bar” when it is hidden. For it to make sense to users, I will change the name to contacts.
    Can I change the name in the theme css or is it something that I should change in several places because of the dependencies?

    Waiting to hear from you and thanking you in advance,

    Kind regards,
    Frederico Pessanha


    Dear Skandha,

    I am sorry for another update, but now I noticed that I have previously written Contacts in the “Header Top Menu Label” in “Header Top Options”
    Shouldn’t that had been enough for the Menu Name to change ?

    Waiting to hear from you and thanking you in advance,

    Kind regards,
    Frederico Pessanha


    @fredericopessanha: Hello Frederico,
    There seems to be a bug in the Header Top Menu Label. The bug will be fixed and an update will be released soon. I will let you know when the update is released.

    Kind Regards,


    @fredericopessanha: Hello Frederico,
    The issue has been fixed and an update has been released. Can you please update the theme and let me know if the issue is resolved?

    Kind Regards,


    Dear Skandha,

    I have been working on a child theme and just now i noticed, below my licence key says site inactive.
    I clicked on activate licence but nothing happened, do you need to cancel it on the theme so I can activate it on the child theme?
    Or maybe I’m just doing something wrong…

    Waiting to hear from you and thanking you in advance,

    Kind regards,
    Frederico Pessanha


    @fredericopessanha: Hello Frederico,
    You do not need to have the license activate on the child theme as the changes on the child theme is made by only you. So you will only to update the parent as the child theme is only under your control.

    Let me know if you have anymore questions.
    Kind Regards,


    Dear Skandha,

    I just changed to the parent theme to update and realised that the site is also inactive, although I am quite sure I activated it after I purchased it in July this year.
    I tried to activate and save changes but nothing happened likewise in the child theme.
    Following your instructions for updating, I need to have an activate licence to update my theme.
    What can be wrong with the licence activation?

    Waiting to hear from you and thanking you in advance,

    Kind regards,
    Frederico Pessanha


    @fredericopessanha: Hello Frederico,
    I will need to look into your site to debug the issue. I have sent you an email. Please check your inbox as well as the spam folder.

    Kind Regards,

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