Hi @husker,
In your child theme’s functions.php
, add the following code.
function catchresponsive_child_footer_content() {
if ( ( !$catchresponsive_footer_content = get_transient( 'catchresponsive_footer_content' ) ) ) {
echo '<!-- refreshing cache -->';
$catchresponsive_content = catchresponsive_get_content();
$custom_text = 'Some custom text';
$catchresponsive_footer_content = '
<div id="site-generator">
<div class="wrapper">
<div id="footer-content" class="copyright">'
. $catchresponsive_content['left'] . ' ' . $custom_text
. ' | '
. $catchresponsive_content['right'] .
</div><!-- .wrapper -->
</div><!-- #site-generator -->';
set_transient( 'catchresponsive_footer_content', $catchresponsive_footer_content, 86940 );
echo $catchresponsive_footer_content;
add_action( 'init', 'catchresponsive_child_modify_footer' );
function catchresponsive_child_modify_footer() {
remove_action( 'catchresponsive_footer', 'catchresponsive_footer_content', 100 );
add_action( 'catchresponsive_footer', 'catchresponsive_child_footer_content', 100 );
Note: Please find and edit the following line in the above code and replace the text with your desired text.
$custom_text = 'Some custom text';