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  • #20973

    I have 2 issues the first being the “Check to disable” does not seem to work the second is the nav < > do not aline properly. I have checked this with Chrome & Firefox on Linux as well as Firefox on Windows.



    @FictionAddiction: I see that you haven’t added Featured Image in your post that is why there is not images in your slider and respectively align issue. “Check to Disable” is for “Exclude Slider post from Home page posts:”. This will not show the post in slider in the homepage, so once the post is in the slider, it will not show again in the post list. But in your case it’s useless as you are using Static Front Page not the latest post.


    Ahh! I have added the feature images and now it aligns. Thanks!

    Okay I can see now how that works.

    Thanks twice!

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