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  • #289290

    I had created sidebars using an earlier version of Catch Evolution Pro. I just upgraded to the latest version.

    I am unable to edit the sidebars. When I select the widget, only shows the first show of the sidebar. I can see the sidebars when I view the page, but cannot edit.

    I even tried using the Classic Widget plug-in.

    I click on the edit pencil, but only see the first line.

    Have been at this for two days and no luck.

    So, in sum, I can see the sidebars, but cannot edit them.



    @zorter: Hello there,
    Can you try deactivating all the plugins and check if you are able to edit the widgets on the sidebar?

    Let me know if the issue persists!
    Kind Regards,


    I deactivated all plug-ins and now do not even see the sidebars for my home page. This is even worse than before.

    Only see the first line of the now missing sidebars.

    So, reactivated all the plug-ins and now all of the text (except first line) of the sidebars has now disappeared. Now, need to find the html for this somewhere in a backup.


    Should have used a table and old-style html and css????


    @zorter: Sorry for the issue. Look like the issue is after you upgrade to WordPress 5.8. So, can you install the Classic Widgets plugin and check it. https://catchthemes.com/frequently-asked-questions/#question-installation-how-can-i-get-the-classic-widgets-back-after-updating-to-wordpress-5-8


    Sorry, but I have installed Classic Widgets Plug In and Have the same issue.

    So, I am using the Wayback Machine and just recreating the Sidebars. A lot faster than trying to debug this any further.

    I guess the data for the sidebars is somewhere in the MySQL file,

    But, wonder is WordPress will continue to support this Classic Widgets Plug-In in the future.

    Sigh – should have used a table.


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