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    Perfect! Thank you.
    I am not sure if this one is for you. I am trying to link my blog to Google+. I downloaded a file to my computer then to my site. Then I followed a link provided and it says “site under construction” so could not finish. Should I change something within my site?

    Thank you!!!!


    @lorencowka: Thanks 🙂

    About your google site verification, there are lot of way to do it. One is the file update. You have uploaded in wrong path. It should be uploaded in your root directory. So you file should be in . Also there is another easy way. You can add the “Google Site Verification ID” in “Appearance => Theme Options => Webmaster Tools => Site Verification”


    I am lost. No idea how to find root directory. Tried the other option. I entered just the number. 3a421594cb631 Where do I go next? I tried to edit my google+ profile, but I am getting -please enter a valid URL. Please be patient with me and guide me step by step. Thanks!


    @lorencowka: Sorry this is not a theme related issue. Also I am not sure how do I explain about root directory. You can login your your website hosting control panel or FTP and your root directory will be there.


    OK, I understand, thank you for trying!
    I have a new issue. I would like to add like me on Facebook and Google+ buttons on each page and each post at the bottom of the page.


    @lorencowka: Again this can be done by installing plugin like “Sociable” or another.


    I need your help again at least to tell me where to direct this question. I called Ipage and they told me to contact WordPress. Under my stats referrals I noticed search error and it shows number. Yeasterday it was 12!
    It says
    Any idea why this is happening and how to correct it?

    Also, I would like my pictures’ captions to show in black and bold. The way it is now, it is easy to miss it.


    1. That search referral is not from our theme. So, I don’t know about that.
    2. Are you talking about the text in the featured slider, then you can change that text color from “Appearance => Theme Options => Color Options => Slider Color Options”


    Boy, am I glad I was able to find you again! I went through thousands of emails to find the link to our conversation.
    K need help with subscribe to my blog button.
    1. I would like a large blue button that says follow and then drops down to give a option to put an email in. I want it on every page and post under my Facebook and Google+ page.
    2.I do not like how underneath all posts the opening for comment is so huge – I still have some things below that I prefer to be visible. Can it be just one line that extends when needed? Thanks,


    1. Sorry, this falls under plugin Territory. So, you need to search for plugin to do that.
    2. This I am not sure what you mean. We can try Jetpack plugin comment form if you are talking about form to be shorten. It will be like this


    I hope this is not under plugin. I need help. I do not know what happened but when I post a link on Google plus it is practically showing my home page.

    Yvonne’s Travel Blog. “Once you have traveled, the voyage never ends, but is played out over and over again in the quietest chambers. The mind can never break off from the journey.” ― Pat Conroy. Primary Menu. Skip to content. Home · About me · Travel blog · How to travel for free …

    When I post on Facebook it looks better but still, it repeats the title and shows when it was posted. Before the preview would show just beginning of my post text.


    @lorencowka: Yes, for open graph text and images. I suggest you to install WordPress SEO by Yoast Plugin. After you install that plugin you can go to “SEO => Social” from your WordPress Dashboard and configure it and further you can configure for your individual page/post with there WordPress SEO by Yoast metabox.

    Note: Sorry for the late reply as we are still in state of emergency due to massive earthquake in Nepal. Internet, electricity, water and sanitation are huge problem here. We are also helping others in the community so we are slowing getting back online.


    I understand. It is is a terrible disaster!
    I am in a little bit of mental crises about my blog. I thought I had it under control. Do not understand how posting on social made would make changes on its own. It use to be fine and not it is not. I do not follow your instructions above, other than to install new plug in. Another major stressor, Google tells me that my site was hacked. I contacted Ipage and they sort of agree but the list of possible hacked links looks like parts of my plugins. They gave me instructions how to fix it but there is no way I can do it. I will have to call programer to do it for me. I cannot afford it. Can I keep my site the way it is? What kind of harm can be done to me page? Thanks!


    This is to show you what I mean. Please see my recent post (about credit cards) how it repeats the title and says posted by Yvonne Jasinski on April 25 ….
    versus older ones just picture, title and text


    @lorencowka: We have no control on WordPress hack. Our theme is coded in strict guideline with proper data validation and sanitization. So, it’s guarantee that it’s not from us. In last 2 weeks there are security update for WordPress core. I hope you have updated it. To keep your site safe, you need to keep your WordPress core and plugin all to latest version. Check this notice from WordPress


    Thank you! I did update it, but I was scared to do it. I am always afraid that I might loose something! Now, I finally have to address it. How do I back up my site? I have no clue. If my site ever crashes, I would be devastated. Please advise!


    @lorencowka: Most of the WordPress Hosting server have auto backup these days. So, first ask to your hosting server about backup.

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