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  • #81644

    When I add video code to my website, it displays this large black border around the entire video. Not sure it is a catchbox thing, but feel it may be written into the css code. Can ya let me know?



    Hi @Kieth,

    I think this theme is Catch Box Pro rather than Catch Base Pro. However, since the video is added via iframe, the Custom CSS will not work on it. CSS will not work on cross domain.


    Hi, thank you…yes, sorry I put in the wrong theme area.

    Ok, so let me attack the problem from a different angle….is there a different way to embed something other than an iframe?

    Happy holidays my friend.


    Hi @Keith,
    I am sorry as there is no other way to embed something from other source. You can also use <object> and <embed> but the results will be the same, i.e. you wont be able to edit the contents of the source. You can check the answer here

    A bit advanced answer would be for you to get the video url and display it using html, but the source that you are using should give you the video url and permissions to access it. This is a bit tough as you need to know quite a bit about html5, server Post Messages, and even a bit of jQuery Plugin if you want to make video work in past browsers like old Internet Explorer version as well.

    Hope I made the answer clear. Please feel free to ask again if this is not sufficiently described.


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