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  • #31159

    I just bought Catch Box Pro last night. I’m happy with it thus far, but wanted to ask…

    1) Is there documentation or tutorials or basic instructions about the theme (besides the web page advertising it… such as a “readme.txt.”)?

    2) Right now I’m attempting to control the font size. I found the options for the fonts size, but it would help if I had information about what areas of a web site each is applied.

    3) I found the font-family options, but I have a font.tff that I want to use on my site… is there a way to upload custom fonts?


    1. Yes there is theme instructions page at

    2) Ok I will explain Font Size option.
    2.1 Default Font Size and Default Line height is for overall site which doesn’t have specific size setup
    2.2 Site Title Font Size and Site Title Line Height is for your site title set in “Settings => Reading” that shows in you header
    2.3 Site Description Font Size and Site Description Line Height is for your site tagline set in “Settings => Reading” that shows in you header below site title
    2.4 H1 Font Size: For for all the H1 tags in your page/post content
    2.5 Content Font Size for all the content in your page/post

    3) Sorry you cannot upload custom font. You need to use plugin for this. I found this plugin. You can check in


    Thanks, that was a fast response and helpful answer(s).

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