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  • #92291


    Our website at currently uses the free version of Catch Kathmandu theme and we are going to buy Catch Kathmandu Pro. We would like to ask a couple of questions before purchasing it.

    Question 1:

    Is it possible to display an email address with an envelope image instead of
    “Catch Kathmandu by Catch Themes”
    in Catch Kathmandu Pro version?
    If not, how is it possible to display an email address in the footer in the right-hand corner? I tried customizing all four of the footer areas, but the text is added on the left-hand side.
    The current height of the footer is already big so ideally I would like to put the email address instead of “Catch Kathmandu by Catch Themes”.

    Question 2:

    Under Tools – Header Code
    I added the following script:

    $(document).ready( function() {
    // Make Service boxes clickable
    $(“.service”).click(function() {
    window.location = $(this).find(“a”).attr(“href”);
    return false;
    // React to Enter or Space key when a service is in focus
    $(“.service”).keydown(function(e) {
    var code = e.which;
    // 13 = Return, 32 = Space
    if ((code === 13) || (code === 32)) {

    This script (it should make divs clickable) works perfectly in a regular HTML file (combined with <script src=””></script&gt;), however, even though a reference to “jquery” already exists in Catch Kathmandu, my script does not work. Possibly there is some incompatibility with the theme, or I am using the wrong section of the theme configurator to insert the script.

    Here is the page:

    Question 3:

    Is it possible to reduce the amount of vertical whitespace between the page title on each page and the header area? Currently it’s just too tall on desktop screen sizes.

    Question 4:

    By default, if an has “align=left” attribute, text must flow around the image to its right. However, this does not happen (see “safety.gif” on Instead, the image is aligned on its baseline with text. I reviewed your theme’s CSS ( and I can see that you override the default img’s display behaviour. I tried added the following to my CSS:
    .safety img {
    display: inline;
    But this does not work.

    I understand that the above questions are outside your support arrangements for the free version of the theme. Because we have very limited budget, we can only afford buying the Pro version of the theme, but cannot afford any extra paid customizations. We would like to know whether the Pro version allows (some of) the above fixes to be implemented, and whether you will be able to assist us with the above customizations as part of the support contract (free of charge) after we buy the theme.


    Best regards,


    Hi Stanislav,

    1. Question 1:
    – In Catch Kathmandu Pro, you can edit the footer container text so this is possible.

    2. Question 2:
    Change your first line $(document).ready( function() {
    to this jQuery(document).ready( function($) {

    3. Question 3:
    Go to Dashboard=> Appearance=> Customize=> Theme Options=> Custom CSS box and add the following CSS:

    #main {
        padding-top: 0;

    4. Question 4:
    This is working fine in our server. Insert the image to the post, then select the inserted image and click align left and save it. It works just fine.

    Hope this clarifies you. Let me know if any trouble.
    Yes, we do provide support for all of our themes for theme related issue. For other issues beyond theme support scope, we recommend you to hire a customizer.



    Thanks, Mahesh.

    I fixed image positioning by applying the same class that WordPress uses (class=”size-full wp-image-77 alignleft”). For some reason “align=left” alone does not work, possibly something overrides it.

    We’ve just bought the theme.

    Best regards,


    Hi Stanislav,

    Thank you for using Catch Kathmandu Pro.
    I checked your site and it seems to be working fine. Seems you are still using Catch Kathmandu Free version on you website.
    Let me know if any problem.



    Hello Mahesh,

    I have installed Catch Kathmandu Pro by using the Upload theme command within WordPress. However, when I activated the Pro version, I can no longer see the familiar interface for theme configuration.

    Not only this, but I can no longer see the configuration UI for the free version of Catch Kathmandu, and all other themes are broken too:

    As you can see, the menu includes Widgets item only, instead of the large number of menu items for theme configuration.

    I have deleted the Pro version via FTP and re-activated the free version but all other themes are still broken.

    We use WordPress 4.5.

    PHP version is 5.6. The free version was running fine right until we installed the Pro theme from the zip file.

    Your Pro version was installed from downloaded yesterday from the link provided after purchase.

    Can you help?

    Best regards,


    @stanis: Do you get any error during theme installation? Are you using any plugin? If so try disabling the plugins and check again. I recommend you to try installing the theme again.
    Let me know further.




    There were no errors during theme installation (it was successful).

    I had the following plugins activated:

    Contact Form 7 + Flamingo (plugin for Contact Form 7)
    Photo Gallery
    Postman SMTP

    I have disabled all except Postman SMTP (it cannot be disabled from the admin), but this has no effect.

    However, when I click on Configure button for Catch Kathmandu in the list of themes, I see a blank page now.

    The site itself works fine as you can see:

    If I click “Theme options” under Appearance, I can see the list of collapsible setting sections for the theme, but it’s difficult to get around this panel compared to the main configuration UI where we have a left sidebar with configuration menus and the website preview on the right.



    @stains: Is the Customizer working fine in other themes or not? Please check and let me know.




    No, the customizer does not work for other themes either. When I click Configure button on top of the theme thumbnail, I see a blank screen without any WordPress elements (i.e., nothing).

    I have just tried installing the Pro theme by unzipping it to my PC and then uploading “catch-kathmandu-pro” subfolder to themes folder via FTP, but if I press View button on Catch Kathmandu Pro thumbnail, I see the same as the screenshot I posted before (i.e., only Widgets item is available, and the right side preview is blank). I did not press Activate because it will likely just break the site as well.



    @stanis: If the problem is persisting in other themes too, I think it is more WordPress issue than the theme issue. I recommend you to install the fresh copy of WordPress installation and try again.
    Let me know if the problem persist.




    I have made a full reinstall of WordPress (including wiping out the database) and it seems to work now.

    How can I replace the name of the theme in the bottom right corner with our email address? Using the source only?




    @stanis: Sorry for the late reply. In Catch Kathmandu Pro, you can edit the footer content. Go to Dashboard-> Appearance=> Customize=> Theme Options=> Footer Editor Options and edit content in Footer Editor. Both right and left footer content is from this field.
    Let me know if any problem.



    Hello Mahesh,

    Thanks for your advice. Initially I overlooked this (I thought one could only configure the copyright text there), but then I noticed that the name of the theme is also configured in that field so I replaced it with our email address.

    Best regards,

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