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  • #10787

    I have a couple questions for you seasoned veterans.

    Let me start by saying i have only been using WordPress for a month now so i`m still real green.

    I am using the 3.5.1 Catch Box Pro theme.

    1. I want to have my music to open in a new tab when clicked ?
    2. In the testimonials page the side bar is down the middle, how do i get it to the proper side…..right ?
    3. How do i install the comments box in the testimonials section ?
    4. How do i get ride of the search bar in the header area ?
    5. Is there a setting i can change to make the website run faster. It was real good when i started to build it but has slowed as i add content….I am using GoDaddy ?

    Thank you all that help !!

    TMS Graphic Signs & Custom Apparel –


    @Andrew Packer: Thanks for using our theme. I will try to answer your questions.
    1. I want to have my music to open in a new tab when clicked ?
    —- Sorry I don’t see the music file. I just see the youtube videos in your Music tab.

    2. In the testimonials page the side bar is down the middle, how do i get it to the proper side…..right ?
    — There is some issue with the plugin that you use for the Testimonials. Which plugin are you using it. There is double “content” div that is why it is showing issue. Try another plugin or just add testimonials using simple page layout.

    3. How do i install the comments box in the testimonials section ?
    — First you need to work on your testimonial as page or post then you can disable or enable in individual testimonial page or post though your edit page or edit post “Discussion” box. See this for more details

    4. How do i get ride of the search bar in the header area ?
    — Looks like you have already solved this through “Appearance => Theme Options => Header Right Sidebar”.

    5. Is there a setting i can change to make the website run faster. It was real good when i started to build it but has slowed as i add content….I am using GoDaddy ?
    — There are few things that you can do to optimize your size.
    1. Try to minimize the use of plugin.
    2. Add W3 Total Cache plugin and Set your site so that you will have better cache of your site.
    3. Add Jetpack plugin and activate Photon Module, which will load all your image though CDN.

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