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  • #92571

    Dear staff of Catch Themes,

    Two weeks ago I upgraded to Catch Responsive Pro. Although I’ve been searching thoroughly and trying all the options, there are many things I can’t do yet. It would be great if you could help me!

    My site’s url is:

    1) There are currently 9 posts per page and I want to show 5.
    The number of posts per page has to be changed by modifying the PHP code because the main function to do it doesn’t respond (which is in Dashboard > Settings > Reading > Maximum number of posts per page). However, I cannot write code —and I hardly understand it—. Could you please give me instructions on which PHP file I should open (among the many PHP templates on the right side of the screen in Dashboard > Appearance > Editor) and which specific fragment/numbers I should change?

    2) Margins (empty spaces) between objects/sections
    The space between the header and the menu+sliders is huge, but between menu+sliders and posts is smaller, more or less tolerable. I would like to reduce both (and make them the same size, of course). How can I do it?

    2.1) In this huge space between header and menu+sliders, the mobile version fits the contextual menu (three horizontal bars). Does it have to go there? I would like to fix it on top of page, and not after the header (I don’t find it user friendly).

    3) Center the footer with custom social icons
    Finally, coming back to the web, there is no way to center the footer with custom social icons; now it’s aligned to the left. I am using only Footer 1 (of the 4 available). I assure you I have had many good and bad ideas, and I’ve tried them all… Could you help me, please?

    I am aware that these are a lot of questions, but not being able to tweak code (even basic HTML eludes me) makes you feel powerless when it comes to managing a WordPress site.

    Thank you very much in advance!



    Hi Juan,
    Thank you for using Catch Responsive Pro.
    1. There are currently 9 posts per page and I want to show 5.
    The posts per page is working fine. The issue you are facing is because of the Sticky posts. Currently in your site’s homepage, 9 posts are being displayed because all of them are set as sticky. But if you click on older posts at the bottom, it will show only 5 posts, which show the post per page function is working fine. You’ll need to edit each post and remove sticky for all those post. Go to Posts page in Dashboard, and edit a sticky post. Then in edit post page, you’ll see publish tab at the right top, in that tab look for Visibility: Public, Sticky Edit, click on edit some options will slide down, uncheck Stick this post to the front page and click update. Repeat this for other sticky posts too.

    2) Margins (empty spaces) between objects/sections
    This CSS removes the spaces between slider and posts. Go to Dashboard=> Appearance=> Customize=> Theme Options=> Custom CSS box and add the following CSS:

    #feature-slider {
        padding-bottom: 0;

    2.1): There is an option Featured Header Image Position in Customizer’s Header Image which helps you position the header image. But if you are trying to have header image before menu in desktop, and after menu in mobile devices, this is not possible.

    3) Center the footer with custom social icons
    Go to Dashboard=> Appearance=> Customize=> Theme Options=> Custom CSS box and add the following CSS:

    #catchresponsive_social_icons-8 .widget-wrap {
        text-align: center;

    Let me know if any problem.




    Many thanks, Mahesh!

    I still have a lot to learn (in the sticky posts, for instance, I had no idea what I was doing…), but your instructions made everything work!

    By the way, in the end I also added an extra chunk of custom CSS to remove the space on top of the header (maybe someone else finds it useful):

    screen and (min-width: 1061px) {
    .site { position:center; }
    #masthead {
    background-color: none;
    display: block;
    left: 0;
    position: fixed;
    top: 0;
    z-index: 999;
    #header-menu {
    margin: 0 auto;
    width: 0px;

    Thanks again! 😉

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