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  • #55761

    I have SimpleMap installed on Kathmandu here: – the mapping system has been working fine for almost a year, everything is up to date and the map is suddenly not working. I contacted the plugin developer and they found a javascript error coming from the theme that was causing the plugin to not display, error copied below. Map has been down 2-3 weeks now, need to get it back up ASAP. Please help!

    catchkathmandu-grey.min.js?ver=20120202:1 Uncaught SecurityError: Failed to execute ‘getImageData’ on ‘CanvasRenderingContext2D’: The canvas has been tainted by cross-origin data.


    @Shiloh: We need to look at this in more details. For now, you can remove your custom social icons to check is this is issue or not. As when you remove your custom social icon it will remove grey js.


    It worked!Removed the custom social icon and the map reappeared. Thanks, and let me know if you figure something out so I can add the custom social icon back in. Thanks!


    @Shiloh: There seems to be issue with JS and we are working on new way to add custom icons without JS

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