@Morganti: There is option to disable slider. Go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Slider Options” and in “Enable Slider”, you can select “Disable” and save changes.
To add Meta Slider in place of current slider. First disable the slider as instructed above. Then you can build child theme. You can download sample child theme from here http://catchthemes.com/blog/create-child-theme-wordpress/. There in this child theme, you cad add the following code in the child them functions.php
file. In the following code I have added sample meta slider shortcode. So, you need to replace [metaslider id=123]
* Add Meta Slider in place of default slider
function adventurous_child_meta_slider() {
//Add your meta slider code
echo '<div id="main-slider">';
echo do_shortcode("[metaslider id=123]");
echo '</div><!-- #main-slider -->';
add_action( 'adventurous_before_main', 'adventurous_child_meta_slider', 40 );