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  • #30284

    I have just purchased and begun to customize Evolution Pro.

    1) The “Featured Slider” does not appear in the Theme Opitons Menu — as stated in your instructions…. The slider does not appear on my Edit screens for Posts & Pages… Yet the slider appears everywhere.

    How can I manage this?

    2) The Favicon will not update from your default, no matter how many times I upload/save a new one.

    3) Changes put into the Edit CSS (off the main WP menu Appearance => Edit CSS) do not take effect. Must I use the Custom CSS box in your Theme Options?



    @Roy: Did you check in our Theme Instruction page at

    1. After you activate “Catch Evolution Pro” theme, The Featured Slider will appear in “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider”. See this screenshot

    2. You need go “Appearance => Theme Options => FavIcon Options”. Then in “Fav Icon URL:” Either add in your favicon image URL or Click on Upload. When you click on upload, you need to browse the image and then after it’s uploaded you need to click on “Insert Into Post”.

    3. Which css what you add in Edit CSS, it depends. But yes Custom CSS in Theme Options panel in high priority then Edit css.

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