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  • #20875

    On our site,, we used to just add the YouTube link to a post and if we didn’t set a featured image, the video would show up on the homepage instead of an image. Somehow, that dissapeared. Is there any way we can get that feature back? Basically we just want the video to show up in line with our other posts. No featured image, no post preview of text, just the title of the post and the video that is embedded.


    @brewreviewcrew: It’s strange. Maybe when you activate simple catch pro the previous theme you used have post format. It’s cool that we just released the update for Simple Catch Theme which adds post format for video and when you choose post format as video in those post, it will show the video.


    Thanks for your help again. I updated our theme and all looks good now. As a team of teachers who have never made a webpage before, do you think you could give us some pointers? Things about our site design you like and don’t like? I realize your job is tech support more than design help, but I’m sure you have seen enough websites to give us a little guidance. If not, no worries, thanks for helping us troubleshoot!


    Sorry, I am on my other account. I’m also brewreviewcrew…


    @Cory: WoW you have two accounts. This mean you like Catch Themes very much. 🙂


    That I do! I think Simple Catch is just an easy and clean layout. Think you could help me figure out another issue? The header background image I’m using looks good at times, and other times you can’t even tell what it is. It’s supposed to be a beer glass in the bottom right corner surrounded by grains of barley. Is there a way I can get it so that the beer glass is always showing? I’d love if it were the same height from the bottom of the header background, to right before the banner we use in the logo area. I’m not sure this is possible without completely distorting and making the image look squished and stretched, but, seemingly, you’re the perfect person to ask!

    Thanks again for all of your help.


    @brewreviewcrew: It looks fine to me. Can you take screenshot when it’s not displaying and upload that image. Then you can send me that image URI so that I can see the issue. Right now it looks all good.


    Hey Sakin,

    I need your super-human powers again! the url is in case you need it again. My problem can be seen on our page . If you look at the comments, all of my replies to comments are almost unreadable. How can I change the background or text color of my replies to comments to make them readable? I’ve searched the forums and can’t find the answer.

    Thanks again for your support in advance, you are awesome!


    Hi Cory,

    You can add the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.

    .commentlist > li.bypostauthor,
    .commentlist .children > li.bypostauthor {
    	background: none #000;



    Awesome! Thank you so much, you are really amazing!

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