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  • #18802

    Dear Sakin happy new year!

    i am creating a blog with the Simple Pro theme. and i have a few questions.

    First of all i would like to know if it is possible to change the starting position in a post when you click on a read more. i would like it to start at the beginning of the post.

    secondly; where can i change the size of the image shown in the light box? i use the plugin flickr gallery but the lightbox displays only a thumbnail. while flickr contains the larger image. in the plugin it is set to display largest image size fitting to the screen.

    my site is: website>

    PS the insert link does not work here in the post


    @Pete7feet: You can just add permalink structure in your site. Go to “Settings => Permalinks”. I recommend using Custom Structure as /%category%/%postname%/



    thank you for your reply. i respond a bit late due to the fact the i somehow did not receive a email notification for your answer.

    I am afraid that we don’t understand each other. what i mean by changing the read more starting position is: after you click on that link. the post opens and jumps to the part that is not displayed on the blog page. what i want it to do is jump to the top op the post. is that possible?

    And could you help me with the size of the lightbox pictures? they stay very small. that is actually my main concern.

    Thanks in advance!



    @Pete7feet: Yes I understand your request. But I am confused as our default setting in Simple Catch Pro theme links directly to post. See our demo page Have you customized the theme? If now then I need to check in details with your site.

    About your lightbox pictures sizes, check your plugin settings. As I see you have setup as 75px size. For more you need to ask in that plugin author forum.


    Dear Sakin,

    i did almost no editing to the theme, just some css for padding in the header.

    for the lightbox, i do not have a additional lightbox plugin, just the stock one from the theme. in my other sites with the catch everest pro themes it works out of the box with these flickr gallery plugins. it is set to maximum image size im afraid.

    Hope you can help, i could provide access if necessary. i am in quite a jam now.


    Just another question, i love the style of the blog on the example page above. how do i do that? it look sfar better than stock like i have.

    regards Peter


    @Pete7feet: For the same settings as of simple catch pro demo page. You just need to go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Layout Options” and then select “Excerpt/Blog Display” in Content Layout.


    @Sakin, i adjusted the settings for the blog, and now the read more jumps to the top of the page. that is awsome.

    Can you figure out the problem with the lightbox?

    thanks in advance.



    @Pete7feet: If you see our gallery page where you have added image with flickr gallery plugin. So, you need to check in with the plugin support forum.



    i indeed just found out that it is not a build in lightbox but from the gallery plug-in. my apologies.

    i just use another plugin then.

    Final question. can i add a custom social button in my header for email? i can make the button but how do i implement it.

    regards Peter


    @Pete7feet: The best way will be to use any plugin which has social icons with email icon. So, you totally change that.

    Or next will be like you add image from “2_Simple Catch: Adspace Widget” just above or below the social icons in Header right sidebar and then I will send you css to align with your current social icons.


    Dear @Sakin,

    i inserted the image with the mailto link as asked. could you give me the code so that the icon is placed left of the facebook icon?

    Thanks a lot for all the help!


    @Pete7feet: Try adding in the following CSS in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.

    #sidebar-top .widget_simplecatch_ads_widget,
    #sidebar-top .simplecatch_social_widget {
        clear: none;	
        display: inline;
        float: right;
        width: auto;
    #sidebar-top .simplecatch_social_widget {
        margin-right: 10px;


    again, works like a charm!!!

    My appreciation is enormous.

    Regards Peter

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