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  • #18012

    I noticed that when you set your featured slider to “pages” and make your image the featured image on the page, the images show on the front page all the same size which looks great. BUT, i dont want to have them set as pages, i want to set the slider to imges but when i do, the images are not the same size, they wont resize correctly. any thoughts.


    @shamwow: Featured Image gives you an option to upload the image of you own choice where we do not control it’s layout. It depend on the size of the image you upload it. But featured page slider cuts the image in equal size of 1140px width and 450px height. If you want same size image in the Image Slider, then you need to upload all the image with the same dimension.


    also when the slider is set to pages, how do you make it so the images on the slider have no link or url


    @shamwow: There is no option to remove links in Featured Page Slider as this page slider is created to highlight your page.


    Ok, but can you please explain the purpose of the page slider then, i know you said it is to highlight your page but when you click on the picture it just takes you the same picture, there is no way to type any content in the page, if you do, it shows up in the slider. Im confused sorry.


    @shamwow: There are 4 types of slider in Catch Everest Pro theme. See the theme instruction page for more details on how to setup Slider http://catchthemes.com/theme-instructions/catch-everest-pro/

    Page Slider is use to highlight the page
    Post Slider is use to highlight the post
    Category Slider is use to highlight the post in that category
    Image Slider gives you complete flexible, you can upload your own image, content and links.

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