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  • #161867

    Hello, I made update from 4.2.3 by catch responsive to 4.3. But unfortunately slider does not work anymore. This text will appear on my website below:

    Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function get_the_privacy_policy_link() in /www/htdocs/w017faa2/ Stack trace: #0 /www/htdocs/w017faa2/ catchresponsive_footer_content(”) #1 /www/htdocs/w017faa2/ WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #2 /www/htdocs/w017faa2/ WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #3 /www/htdocs/w017faa2/ do_action(‘catchresponsive…’) #4 /www/htdocs/w017faa2/ require_once(‘/www/htdocs/w01…’) #5 /www/htdocs/w017faa2/ load_template(‘/www/htdocs/w01…’, true) #6 /www/htdocs/w017faa2/ locate_template(Array, true) #7 /www/htdocs/w017faa in /www/htdocs/w017faa2/ on line 1735

    I slider disabled and reactivated. Unfortunately without success. Please help! The theme is paid and support until April 2019

    Viele Grüße Andreas


    Scroll Up Options also 🙁


    @joker1958: Hello there,
    There seems to be an issue with the get_the_privacy_policy_link(). The issue will be fixed in the next update.
    I could send you a .zip file of the updated theme so that you can check if the issue is resolved.
    Let me know what you would like to do.

    Regarding the Scrollup Option
    Make sure you have not checked the option to disable option.
    Go to => Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Scrollup Options

    Let me know if this helps you out!
    Kind Regards,


    Hello Skandha
    yes, please send me the zip file. The option scrollup is activated!
    I noticed another mistake. If you call the website via the mobile phone, no menus are displayed under the three dashes. This is also logged in in the customizer menu on the website as admin.
    Greetings Andreas

    PS:Can it possibly be related to reCAPTCHA v3? I had to enter a new key because V2 was no longer valid ….


    @joker1958: I have sent you an email with the theme .zip file. Please update the theme using Catch Updater Module of Catch Web Tools plugins and check if there is any issue.

    Let me know if any issue persists!
    Kind Regards,


    thaks for your sharing , it’s a great idea! paper box


    Hello Skandha,
    Thanks for the zip file. My homepage works now again correctly. Other errors have not found in the near future. I still have a question. The first sidebar could be displayed either on the right or on the left. Before that, I always had the sidebar right. Now she’s left … How can you get the first sidebar back to the right? Unfortunately, I have not found this setting. The individual menus have somehow changed to the old version.
    Thank you and best regards


    Command back! After a long search, I found the setting by chance. Now everything is fine! 🙂
    Thank you! Happy Christmas and a healthy New Year


    @joker1958: Hello there, I hope I was able to resolve your issue. If it’s not too much trouble, I have a quick request: could you please leave an honest review?
    Your review will help others know what to expect when they’re looking for the support I offer. Even a sentence or two would be hugely appreciated. Thanks, and if there’s anything else at all that I can do to help, don’t hesitate to let me know. Merry Christmas and have a Wonderful New Year. 🙂

    Kind Regards,

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