Yes, the site is in a test mode, it is a stage site. we are currently running another site with the same domain name on a different hosting. I can’t go live with my stage site to make it available to you. Is there any other way,for example to use an IP address so you cold see it?
If you can’t see the website, I will try to explain what I need to customize.
1. There is a fixed Site Title and Tagline shown between the main menu and the sliders – I used your custom CSS code from the previous posts to make it available. I need to make the Title/Tag line (fixed-header?) a little bit narrower, to reduce the white space above and below the text – without changing the fond size. Also I have a logo image there before Title/tag line, so if you have built-in margin around logo image, it could also affect the width of this section.
2. In my Primary menu (at the very top of the page) – I have a few menu options that are aligned to the right by default. I want to make them “spread” more evenly, so there is more space between the menu options.
Alternatively I could have the loge shown on the left and align my menu elements to the right – as it is done on your website (catch cheme logo is on the left and Home-…-Blog-My Account links are aligned to the right.
Hope my explanation is sufficient enough.