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  • #12665

    I would like on

    all posts to appear without “Posted on July 31, 2013 by Administrator” or “Posted in Home Page”

    In addition, I would like the first post / panel (the one in the image ) to look like this

    I currently have Front page display set to Your latest Poll .

    If I set it to static and define frontpage as then I do not know how I can create additional panels underneath the one with the image.

    What should I do



    by the way I use the following html code in the first panel of each page

    <p style=”text-align: center;”>vantochgirl2-400</p>

    <h5 style=”text-align: center;”><span style=”color: #000000;”>Resolving …
    … On.</span></h5>

    but on the posts the html code seems to be ignored



    You can hide the meta by adding in the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.
    .entry-meta { display: none; }

    You cannot keep both static front page and then blog in the same page. So, for this you might consider hiring developer.

    Ok here is one trick, if you can understand and use it. Go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Homepage Content Options” then choose “Full Content Display” and save it. This will show full content of the post. So, it will show exactly like in the post. Then you can split other post for those which you want to show only few links, use More tag, see this


    you rock – that is exactly what I wanted

    one more question about the posts – the gap between the header and the first line is now quite large – can that be reduced ?

    An example is the gap between



    Want to keep your divorce out of court?



    I am now thinking of not naming the posts and then using <H1> inside the post. It allows me to link the header to a page.
    Can one control the white margin around the text of the post , e.g. the gap between the white boundary of the post and the first line ?


    @pohl: To reduce the gap between the header and the first line, you can add the following CSS in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.
    .entry-content { padding-top: 0; }


    thanks for all your help


    How do I change the font size of the side panel ?


    @pohl: which one, I don’t see side panel in your site.


    @pohl: If you want to increase the widget font size through out all devices then add the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.
    .widget-area { font-size: 14px; line-height: 1.62em; }

    But if you want to increase only in the large screen where was maintain the size in mobile devices then use the following css.
    @media screen and (min-width: 1060px) { .widget-area { font-size: 14px; line-height: 1.62em; } }


    Thanks for all the help. How do I control the space between text and list (


    @pohl: You have added One meeting provides: in paragraph tag <p></p> and your All of the concentrated law you need, fast; are in <ul><li></li></ul>

    So you can adjust the margin buttons of ul and p tags as per you need and add the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.
    p, ul { margin-bottom: 2em; }


    I tried but it does not help see web site at

    there is still a huge gap between the text and the start of the list

    <DIV style="margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px;padding:0px">
    One meeting provides:
    <ul style="margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; padding-top:0px">
    	<li>All of the

    @pohi: Edit that page in text mode and you will see lot of empty p tags that is giving you gap. Please be careful on that.

    See this

    <p>Whether you are midway into your divorce, or just thinking about starting, individual consultations provide you with confidential legal advice, quickly.</p>
    <h4><strong>What if I need legal help but I don’t want to retain an attorney?</strong></h4>
    <p></p><div style="margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px;padding:0px"><br>
    One meeting provides:<p></p>
    <ul style="margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; padding-top:0px">
    <li>All of the concentrated law you need, fast;<br>
    (i.e. filing info, assets, debts, child and spousal support, and custody)</li>
    <li>Legal handouts with everything you need to remember; &</li>
    <li>Advice on how to file court motions or negotiate with your spouse on your own</li>
    <p>and the options of:</p>
    <ul style="margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; padding-top:0px">
    <li> Doing the rest on your own;
    </li><li> Hourly consultations, as you need. Pay only if you need more help; <i>or</i>
    </li><li> Getting step-by-step help. We will take care of everything for you to help you finish your divorce out of court.</li></ul>
    <h4><strong>What if I want to avoid court but my spouse won’t mediate?</strong></h4>
    <p>The best option is to negotiate or ‘collaborate’ out of court. As a collaborative lawyer (<a href="">click for collaborative law</a>), Monica works <i>together with</i> your spouse to try to help reach an agreement between you two, rather than as an adversary. She communicates directly with your spouse to help ease the conversation. Sometimes you might even end up meeting all together to reach your agreement.</p>
    <h4><strong>How do I start the divorce filing if my spouse is not communicating with me?</strong></h4>
    <p>This is often the case. The first steps you take can make a huge difference in how your divorce goes. The basic filing process can start the divorce in an adversarial way, which often starts everything on the wrong foot. We offer suggestions that are protective, yet avoid an adversarial start. This will give you the best chances of resolving your divorce out of court.</p>
    <h4><strong>What if I am in court already but am hoping to settle?</strong></h4>
    <p>You can always propose mediation or negotiation to your spouse at any point. If your spouse wants to move forward in court, you must go into court as well. If you initiated the motion in court and you would like to negotiate outside of court, you still can.&nbsp; Depending on the timing, you can try to negotiate or mediate before your hearing. Alternatively, you could choose to delay or even cancel the motion.<br>
    You stay in control of how much or how little help you get.<br>
    <strong>Call us at (831) 429-4210 if you have more questions or to schedule an appointment.</strong></p>

    @pohi: Edit that page in text mode and you will see lot of empty p tags that is giving you gap. Please be careful on that.

    See this

    <p>Whether you are midway into your divorce, or just thinking about starting, individual consultations provide you with confidential legal advice, quickly.</p>
    <h4><strong>What if I need legal help but I don’t want to retain an attorney?</strong></h4>
    <p></p><div style="margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px;padding:0px"><br>
    One meeting provides:<p></p>
    <ul style="margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; padding-top:0px">
    <li>All of the concentrated law you need, fast;<br>
    (i.e. filing info, assets, debts, child and spousal support, and custody)</li>
    <li>Legal handouts with everything you need to remember; &</li>
    <li>Advice on how to file court motions or negotiate with your spouse on your own</li>
    <p>and the options of:</p>
    <ul style="margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; padding-top:0px">
    <li> Doing the rest on your own;
    </li><li> Hourly consultations, as you need. Pay only if you need more help; <i>or</i>
    </li><li> Getting step-by-step help. We will take care of everything for you to help you finish your divorce out of court.</li></ul>
    <h4><strong>What if I want to avoid court but my spouse won’t mediate?</strong></h4>
    <p>The best option is to negotiate or ‘collaborate’ out of court. As a collaborative lawyer (<a href="">click for collaborative law</a>), Monica works <i>together with</i> your spouse to try to help reach an agreement between you two, rather than as an adversary. She communicates directly with your spouse to help ease the conversation. Sometimes you might even end up meeting all together to reach your agreement.</p>
    <h4><strong>How do I start the divorce filing if my spouse is not communicating with me?</strong></h4>
    <p>This is often the case. The first steps you take can make a huge difference in how your divorce goes. The basic filing process can start the divorce in an adversarial way, which often starts everything on the wrong foot. We offer suggestions that are protective, yet avoid an adversarial start. This will give you the best chances of resolving your divorce out of court.</p>
    <h4><strong>What if I am in court already but am hoping to settle?</strong></h4>
    <p>You can always propose mediation or negotiation to your spouse at any point. If your spouse wants to move forward in court, you must go into court as well. If you initiated the motion in court and you would like to negotiate outside of court, you still can.&nbsp; Depending on the timing, you can try to negotiate or mediate before your hearing. Alternatively, you could choose to delay or even cancel the motion.<br>
    You stay in control of how much or how little help you get.<br>
    <strong>Call us at (831) 429-4210 if you have more questions or to schedule an appointment.</strong></p>

    Thanks – my problem was the following

    I did not realize that the WP editor does not display all the tags


    @pohl: There is Visual and text mode. Just go to text mode and then remove it.


    I do but I press update wp just adds the <p> and <br \> tags again – it is really annoying . According to

    I have to add this code at the top of my templates pages

    <?php remove_filter (‘the_content’, ‘wpautop’); ?>

    Where would that be


    I added it to your functions.php but no luck – I also tried the Toggle wpautop but again the same results. Is there anything that I can do ?

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