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  • #11518

    For some reason the featured slider text is changing the size of the featured slider box and pushing the rest of the home page content down. This only happens W/ certain posts. I have Lorem Ipsum text in my blog postings right now so the only thing that is different is the blog titles. I changed the excerpt length to 15 words to try and shorten the descriptions, but the issue is still happening.

    You can see it happen @ if my description of the problem doesn’t make sense.

    ALSO, Is there any custom CSS code that could possibly space out the primary menu items evenly and not align them to the left?

    Thanks for the help!


    @kdhutto1: About your slider, if you have one long title and another short title, then you will have this issue. We cannot make the height fixed due to responsive design as it need to adjust as per the screen size. So, here what you can do is. For the post that has long title, you can shorten the content through post excerpt box. You can just add the few words only in the excerpt box. This can help you give more control of the text. See this for Excerpt Box:

    Same with the menu, we cannot make that as we don’t know how long will be your menu. You can try increasing the padding of the menu. For example, in the following css I have increase the padding left and right to 54px. If you like that then you can add the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.

    #branding a {
        padding: 0 54px;

    Thank you! Once again you’ve solved the problem!


    @kdhutto1: Cheers 🙂

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