Unfortunately the proposed solution does not work. When setting the publishing date to July 11 2021 (event date), the entry disappears and cannot be selected from the Theme-Options drop-down menu anymore and the event site does not recognize the entry either.
I’m also getting an error when selecting “style four.”
Error message: Error loading block: The response is not a valid JSON response.
These are my steps. I hope it helps you to re-create the problem and guide me to a solution:
1. Create a new event post through the Dashboard -> ECT Events
2. Set event name as title
3. Add button with link to external ticket / event page
4. Add details for event type, location, text, event date
5. Schedule post to date of event
6. I go to the website -> customize -> theme options – > events -> custom content type -> events 1
After completing these steps the post cannot be selected.
When publishing the post straight after creating it, the publishing date is displayed on the front page.
Best regards