Forum Replies Created
I’ve deactivated the Max Mega Menu plug in as requested – the funny little block has dissappeared and the secondary menu is there now but the primary is not. I’ve used that plugin (the paid for pro version) with Kathmandu pro on other sites and it has worked ok. I’m wondering if its v5.8 of WordPress that is causing the problem. I tried down garding it to 5.5.5, which I know the latest Kathmandu Pro works ok with, but the system wouldn’t let me.
Thanks for your help.
You responded too quickly, I’m still working on the site. I’ve resolved the htnl typo.
I’ve ticked the Primary and Secondary Menu in the customising > menus section for you.
The Secondary menu format is all over the place though, a white block has suddenly appeared.
When you first load in the Kathmandu theme, the header image is a slider showing a series of loactions from presummably Kathmandu, on the left there is a text block that provides some description of the location or the image – it starts of with Seto Ghumba then moves on through Dundar Square and so on. It is this text.
Thanks for the quick response.
ParticipantThe page is not live, it is still being developed on my local machine. But never mind I’ve been in contact with the plugin developer and he pointed me in the right directions.
I needed to add the following bit of code to the snipett:
add_shortcode( ‘introduction’, function ( $atts ) {
$atts = shortcode_atts( array(
‘locn’ => ”,
), $atts );Thanks for getting back to me though.
Thank you
That has got rid of the second copy of the header image – thank you – but the site logo is still underneath the header image, whereas I would like it to be above.
Thanks for the rapid response. Unfortunately the fix doesn’t work. 1) You made an error between the name of the function and the line calling it, but never mind and 2) I’ve ended up with the site title, description and site logos moving below the static image and in addition I now have 2 copies of the image, one above the title, description, logo block and one below it. I want to keep the logos above the image and the site title and description below the image.
BTW I also have the following included in the functions.php file which you supplied me a while back, which works fine.
/* Moving Primary Menu below Slider */
add_action( ‘init’ , ‘catchkathmandu_child_move_menu_below_slider’ );
function catchkathmandu_child_move_menu_below_slider() {
remove_action( ‘catchkathmandu_hgroup_wrap’, ‘catchkathmandu_header_right’, 15 );
add_action( ‘catchkathmandu_before_main’, ‘catchkathmandu_header_right’, 15 );}
ParticipantI’ve pretty much sorted out the colour scheme. Thanks
ParticipantNow I have it in the right location – Thanks, but the colour scheme I’ve chosen in the theme customisations isn’t working. I’ve managed to track down some of the element ids to re-assign the colour combinations I want but not all of them.
ParticipantAh, it works, Thanks for all your patience
I haven’t made any changes to the core wordpress files or your theme files.
I’ve turned off all the plugins, deleted all my css customisations and the functions.php file only contains the following code:
add_action( ‘init’ , ‘catchkathmandu_child_move_menu_below_slider’ );function catchkathmandu_child_move_menu_below_slider() {
remove_action( ‘catchkathmandu_hgroup_wrap’, ‘catchkathmandu_header_right’, 15 );
add_action( ‘catchkathmandu_before_main’, ‘catchkathmandu_header_right’, 15 );
* Enqueues child theme stylesheet, loading first the parent theme stylesheet.
function theme_enqueue_styles() {
wp_enqueue_style( ‘catch-kathmandu-pro-style’, get_template_directory_uri() . ‘/style.css’ );
wp_enqueue_style( ‘catch-kathmandu-pro-child-style’, get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . ‘/style-child.css’, array());
}add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘theme_enqueue_styles’);
But it still doesn’t work…
ParticipantBut I posted the functions.php for my child theme in my post above.
I get the following errors/warnings when I reload the page
Error in parsing value for ‘transition’. Declaration dropped. dashicons.css:29:31
Unknown property ‘-moz-osx-font-smoothing’. Declaration dropped. dashicons.css:31:24
Unknown property ‘text-justify’. Declaration dropped. style.css:26:15
Unknown property ‘text-justify’. Declaration dropped. style.css:35:16
Expected media feature name but found ‘-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio’. genericons.css:27:19
Error in parsing value for ‘-moz-transition’. Declaration dropped. genericons.css:43:36
Unknown property ‘-moz-osx-font-smoothing’. Declaration dropped. genericons.css:53:24
Unknown property ‘speak’. Declaration dropped. genericons.css:55:6
Unknown property ‘-moz-box-shadow’. Declaration dropped. style.css:307:16
Expected declaration but found ‘*’. Skipped to next declaration. style.css:395:1
Expected declaration but found ‘*’. Skipped to next declaration. style.css:400:1
Error in parsing value for ‘background-image’. Declaration dropped. style.css:417:19
Error in parsing value for ‘background-image’. Declaration dropped. style.css:418:19
Error in parsing value for ‘background-image’. Declaration dropped. style.css:419:19
Expected colour but found ‘top’. Error in parsing value for ‘background-image’. Declaration dropped. style.css:420:35
Unknown property ‘-moz-box-shadow’. Declaration dropped. style.css:437:16
Unknown property ‘-moz-box-shadow’. Declaration dropped. style.css:450:16
Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element ‘-webkit-search-decoration’. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. style.css:464:22
Unknown property ‘-moz-box-shadow’. Declaration dropped. style.css:661:16
Unknown property ‘-moz-border-radius’. Declaration dropped. style.css:1002:19
Unknown property ‘-moz-border-radius’. Declaration dropped. style.css:1523:19
Expected ‘none’, URL, or filter function but found ‘alpha(‘. Error in parsing value for ‘filter’. Declaration dropped. style.css:1535:8
Expected ‘none’, URL, or filter function but found ‘alpha(‘. Error in parsing value for ‘filter’. Declaration dropped. style.css:1543:8
Unknown property ‘speak’. Declaration dropped. style.css:2:68
Unknown property ‘-moz-osx-font-smoothing’. Declaration dropped. style.css:3:60
Expected declaration but found ‘*’. Skipped to next declaration. jquery.bxslider.css:63:2
Expected declaration but found ‘*’. Skipped to next declaration. jquery.bxslider.css:64:2
Unknown property ‘-moz-border-radius’. Declaration dropped. jquery.bxslider.css:78:24
Unknown property ‘-moz-osx-font-smoothing’. Declaration dropped. admin-bar.css:19:24
Unknown property ‘speak’. Declaration dropped. admin-bar.css:235:6
Unknown property ‘-moz-osx-font-smoothing’. Declaration dropped. admin-bar.css:238:24
Unknown property ‘speak’. Declaration dropped. admin-bar.css:310:6
Unknown property ‘-moz-osx-font-smoothing’. Declaration dropped. admin-bar.css:312:24
Unknown property ‘speak’. Declaration dropped. admin-bar.css:504:6
Unknown property ‘-moz-osx-font-smoothing’. Declaration dropped. admin-bar.css:506:24
Unknown property ‘speak’. Declaration dropped. admin-bar.css:613:6
Unknown property ‘-moz-osx-font-smoothing’. Declaration dropped. admin-bar.css:615:24
Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element ‘-webkit-input-placeholder’. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. admin-bar.css:674:45
Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element ‘-ms-input-placeholder’. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. admin-bar.css:683:44
Unknown property ‘speak’. Declaration dropped. admin-bar.css:928:7
Unknown property ‘-moz-osx-font-smoothing’. Declaration dropped. admin-bar.css:933:25
Error in parsing value for ‘min-width’. Declaration dropped. admin-bar.css:1055:13
Error in parsing value for ‘min-width’. Declaration dropped. admin-bar.css:1057:13
Unknown property ‘-moz-osx-font-smoothing’. Declaration dropped. font-awesome.min.css:4:660
Expected ‘none’, URL, or filter function but found ‘progid’. Error in parsing value for ‘filter’. Declaration dropped. font-awesome.min.css:4:1803
Expected ‘none’, URL, or filter function but found ‘progid’. Error in parsing value for ‘filter’. Declaration dropped. font-awesome.min.css:4:1966
Expected ‘none’, URL, or filter function but found ‘progid’. Error in parsing value for ‘filter’. Declaration dropped. font-awesome.min.css:4:2132
Expected ‘none’, URL, or filter function but found ‘progid’. Error in parsing value for ‘filter’. Declaration dropped. font-awesome.min.css:4:2303
Expected ‘none’, URL, or filter function but found ‘progid’. Error in parsing value for ‘filter’. Declaration dropped. font-awesome.min.css:4:2476
JQMIGRATE: jQuery.fn.attr(‘selected’) may use property instead of attribute jquery-migrate.js:41:4
JQMIGRATE: is deprecatedThanks
Thanks but it doesn’t work.
I already had a child theme and functions.php file so added your code:<?php
add_action( ‘init’ , ‘catchkathmandu_child_move_menu_below_slider’ );function catchkathmandu_child_move_menu_below_slider() {
remove_action( ‘catchkathmandu_hgroup_wrap’, ‘catchkathmandu_header_right’, 15 );
add_action( ‘catchkathmandu_before_main’, ‘catchkathmandu_header_right’, 15 );
* Enqueues child theme stylesheet, loading first the parent theme stylesheet.
*/function theme_enqueue_styles() {
wp_enqueue_style( ‘catch-kathmandu-pro-style’, get_template_directory_uri() . ‘/style.css’ );
wp_enqueue_style( ‘catch-kathmandu-pro-child-style’, get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . ‘/style-child.css’, array());
}add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘theme_enqueue_styles’);
?>I’ve tried it with you code at both the start and finish of the file but to no avail.
I added the custom css in the theme options as recommended
ParticipantI tried that but it didn’t work. Perhaps I’m using the wrong terminology. I have a featured slider as the main image at the top of the page, the primary menu is positioned above this featured image. I wish to move the menu below the image just above the words of the web page
ParticipantI tried that but it didn’t work. Perhaps I’m using the wrong terminology. I have a featured slider as the main image at the top of the page, the primary menu is positioned above this featured image. I wish to move the menu below the image just above the words of the web page